For every problem or criticism he faces The WhatsApp, Such as social networks Act a program Telegram is keen to push its messaging service The social networking site Facebook, Usually indicates new hires sticking out or accentuating functionality that the competitor doesn’t have. After years of silence, WhatsApp is finally taking a wave with its rival on Twitter.
After the official Telegram file posted an image indicating that WhatsApp in 2021 would be lost, Facebook’s official messaging platform account responded by reminding that the app of Russian origin does not contain end-to-end encryption – a protection that prevents Hacker Read messages exchanged between interested parties.
Telegram also has an end-to-end encryption function, but it is imperative to enable it in conversations that require more security. Called Secret Chat, the function is activated individually in the contact’s settings.
By default, the messages exchanged by Telegram are on a server, so the app can be installed on multiple devices, keeping the same conversation history, and still be used on the web simultaneously.
Day after, and Telegram responded to the provocation Saying that backing up WhatsApp messages on cloud services for The Google (Drive) and Apple (iCloud) are not secure. In the photo, it is said that companies can access people’s chat history, as there is no password protection or encryption.
In exchanging messages, some Twitter users reported that WhatsApp is developing encryption in backups, specifically to block third-party access.
Since at least 2015, Telegram has been posting messages on Twitter to get a drop in WhatsApp.
The beginning of all this happened in December 2015, when he was WhatsApp has been banned in Brazil for 48 hours. At the time, a court order required the Brazilian operators to block access to the messaging app, as the company would not have cooperated with the Brazilian court on an investigation into the breach of confidentiality.
With the most popular messaging app in Brazil, many people have joined Telegram. At the time, the platform celebrated 1.5 million users and stated that the operators were having difficulty processing the sending of SMS messages to new users.
Since then, with every instability that WhatsApp has plagued with, Telegram has mentioned some new wave of installing its app. With th A change to the privacy terms for the Facebook app earlier this yearThe attacks intensified.
Meanwhile, WhatsApp has only recently occurred. When Telegram became the target of criticism in 2019, after it became a The hacker after accessing the messages That arose out of the “Vaza Jato” series of reports, from the “Intercept Brasil” website, there were no kind of public statements from the Facebook app.
It should be noted that WhatsApp currently has around 2 billion active users, while Telegram says it has more than 500 million active users.
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