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After Jose Lucas is shot, Solano makes a new victim and promotes a massacre at Tenorio’s behest

After Jose Lucas is shot, Solano makes a new victim and promotes a massacre at Tenorio’s behest


Solano (Rafa Sieg), hired by Tenório (Murilo Benício) as a contract killer, will play horror in the following chapters of “Pantanal”

Images: Reproduction / TV Globo
Images: Reproduction / TV Globo

a ball Tenorio Murillo Benicio, who seeks revenge against him Maria Broca (Isabel Teixeira) and ladies (Giuliano Cazari), will also affect the innocent in wet land. The bastard, in the following chapters, will close a deal with Solano (Rafa Sieg), the newest “sick killer”. Hurt, will also put Jose Leoncio Marcos Palmera and their children are in danger.

You will be the first victim Jose Lucas (Irandir Santos), as published by Andre Romano. The pawn that was recently separated from Erica (Marcella Vitter), would have a serious argument with her father. Soon, in an attempt to calm down, he will go out with the horse for a simple ride. SolanoSeeing the good man from afar, he wouldn’t think twice before pulling the trigger.

Lucas costume She will not die, but she will be in trouble and will be saved by old man from the river (Osmar Prado). Next goal of SolanoStrangely enough, it will be one of the children Tenorio. The killer will take Roberto (Cauê Campos) for a boat trip, where you will find an anaconda. desperate, character Rafa Sage He will throw the boy into the river.

when you realize it Roberto I can not swim , Solano You will take the opportunity to escape and kill the boy. without land Tenorio The writer will order to kill all the snakes he finds around him since then Solano He lied and said the boy had eaten him. secondly Patricia CogotThe scenes have already been recorded and feature artificial animal reproductions.

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