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After all, is it healthy to pee standing up or sitting down?  The study puts an end to the controversy

After all, is it healthy to pee standing up or sitting down? The study puts an end to the controversy

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One of the most satisfying sensations in life is having to pee and finally get to the bathroom. In the case of men, for purely anatomical reasons, this act which is quite common in human life is facilitated. In general, if there are no major obstacles, in the vast majority of cultures men urinate standing up, although many prefer sitting on the toilet to empty their bladders.

In front of a seemingly simple fact, but it hides some cultural differences according to the people and the nation. Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlandsdecided to investigate whether there were also differences in the physiological terms for the act of urinating standing up or sitting on the toilet.

The data collected by Dutch researchers revealed that when men urinate standing, the way that is still prevalent in almost all cultures, because the pelvic muscles are not completely relaxed, the bladder does not empty completely, while when sitting on the toilet, due to the complete relaxation of this area, the emptying is more efficiency.

The study also showed that for most men, the act of urinating while sitting should be more frequent, preferable, because in cases of an enlarged prostate, which is a swelling of this gland, urination while standing is an act that is not recommended and provides even less emptying of the bladder. Prostate enlargement, which is benign and very common, affects or will affect the vast majority of males worldwide, occurring in approximately 8% of men at the age of 30 and 80% of males at the age of 80.

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