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After all, can breathing with your open mouth change the shape of your face?

After all, can breathing with your open mouth change the shape of your face?

Attention was drawn to the influencer Tik Tok To test something she learned herself on the platform. As you’ve seen, sleeping with your mouth open can change the shape of your face. Understood!

Olivia Sweet is just one of many people who have tried the new “trend” of duct-taping your mouth before bed to keep it shut at night. The intention is to avoid changes in facial structure, as well as many aesthetic problems, such as a double chin. But is this really true?

After all, can breathing with your open mouth change the shape of your face?

Mouth breathing is often associated with health problems such as snoring, sleep apnea, and respiratory apnea. When someone breathes through the mouth for a prolonged period of time, the pressure of the tongue on the palate decreases, which can lead to poor development of the maxilla and mandible.

When not controlled, this habit can cause facial bone development abnormalities, as well as sleep-related problems. In this way, it is ideal to keep your mouth closed when we sleep, not only for health reasons, but also because we do not know what could be going on there without us realizing it.

According to the site Q +We should breathe only through the mouth when there are some obstacles to using the nose, as in cases of “nasal obstruction due to a cold, septum deviation, nasal polyps, allergic rhinitis, asthma, fractures and congenital anomalies of the nose”.

Olivia Sweet explained in her TikTok videos that sleeping with your mouth open is a bad idea, and may lead to facial changes, and decided to “train yourself” to sleep with your mouth closed using duct tape. The influencer claimed that she is more attentive to her mouth during the day, when she is awake, and tries to keep it closed with her tongue on the roof of her mouth.

A month later, Olivia posted a new video “after” sleeping for 30 days with her mouth taped shut, wearing what she described as a more defined jawline. However, the big problem with sticking your mouth in while you sleep is that our bodies often compensate for air getting in when, for some reason, our nose gets stuffy.

Doctor Cami Hoss, a San Diego-based dentist and author, said: Face Those who end up sleeping with their mouth open over many years can become more elongated, with their teeth protruding forward and even causing a crooked smile.