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Abono PIS/Pasep Has R$370.8 Million To Withdraw As Of Thursday News

Abono PIS/Pasep Has R$370.8 Million To Withdraw As Of Thursday News

Deadline for withdrawal PIS/Pasep salary allowance, fiscal year 2020, ends on Thursday (29). According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the available funds that have not yet been withdrawn amount to R$370.8 million.

Even if the worker falls behind this deadline, he is guaranteed the right to the amount for five years. However, it will be necessary to wait for the opening of the 2023 allowance payment calendar, which is scheduled for February 15.

“Amounts not withdrawn when the next calendar opens in 2023, may be requested by administrative appeal and, if due, will be made available to the worker in the following month for analysis. Remembering that the statute of limitations is five years,” the Ministry of Labor and Social Security states.

Of the total 25.9 million workers who are eligible to receive the allowance this year, 413,301 have yet to recover this allowance. The amount released amounted to R$23.4 billion. The payment calendar for the year, according to the worker’s date of birth, was carried out from February 8 to March 31.

The salary bonus is an annual benefit of up to one minimum wage, which is currently R$1,212. To be eligible, you must have been registered with PIS/Pasep for at least five years, worked officially under a formal contract for at least 30 days in 2020 and earned a maximum of minimum wage (R$2,424) per month.

Caixa Econômica Federal is responsible for paying PIS (Social Integration Program), and Banco do Brasil, for Pasep (Asset Formation Program for Civil Servants).

What is the PIS/Pasep salary allowance?

It is an annual benefit of one maximum wage. The value ranges from R$101 to R$1212, depending on the number of months worked. You will be able to withdraw the maximum amount that worked for 12 months of 2020.

Who is eligible for the allowance?

• You must have been registered with PIS/Pasep for at least five years;

• You have worked officially (with a formal contract) for at least 30 days in 2020;

• Receive up to a minimum wage (2424 R$);

• It is also necessary that the data be correctly communicated by the employer in Rais (annual social information list) or in my social, depending on the category of the company.

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• Rural workers employed by individuals.

• City workers employed by individuals.

• Workers hired by individuals are equivalent to legal entities.

How to query

Those working in private initiatives can check the date and method of payment through the Caixa Trabalhador and Caixa Tem applications, as well as the citizen portal (cidadao.caixa.gov.br) and through the Caixa ao Cidadão service, by calling 0800-726-0207 .

In the case of Pasep-related workers, balance counseling is on the Consult Your Pasep page. There is also the option of calling the Banco do Brasil Customer Service Center (4004-0001, in capitals and urban areas, or 0800-729-0001, in rural areas).

The query can also be made through the digital business card application or the service platform on the gov.br portal. To access the Salary Allowance information in the Digital Employment Card, the worker will need to update the application, then access the Benefits and Salary Bonus tabs to check the value, day and receiving bank.