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Abandoning Guaidó, he flees Venezuela on foot

Abandoning Guaidó, he flees Venezuela on foot

In recent weeks, Guaido has been on high alert amid reports that the Venezuelan government is preparing to arrest him for his crimes against the nation.

Juan Guaido

247 – Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido, who installed himself as “interim president” in an attempted coup in 2019 and has since been abandoned by most of his allies, said he left Venezuela and crossed over to Venezuela. Colombia on foot, fearing “threats” from the authorities.

“I have just arrived in Colombia, the same way millions of Venezuelans before me did: on foot,” Guaido said in a message he posted on Twitter.

It seems that this is Guaido’s first step to leave Venezuela permanently and escape his responsibilities for the thefts and damages inflicted on the country and all Venezuelans during his “administration” as “temporary”, with the support of the United States.

Spanish newspaper El Mundo reported that Guaido has been on high alert in recent weeks amid reports that the Venezuelan government is preparing to arrest him.

He added, “In recent days, the regime has increased its threats to me with the sole aim of silencing me, and I will not be given this opportunity. [ao presidente venezuelano Nicolás] Maduro,” Guaido added in the letter.

He also said he plans to meet with international delegations that will come to Colombia for a summit later this week. Guaidó did not specify whether he would return to Venezuela. The newspaper described his visit as a fugitive.

Guaido declared himself “interim president” and led US-backed protests in Venezuela in early 2019. This turned into a protracted political crisis as a group of Western countries led by the US backed Guaido and recognized him as the legitimate president, while Russia, China, Turkey and several countries continued The other recognized Maduro’s presidency. In December 2022, the Venezuelan opposition voted to dismantle Guaidó’s “interim government”.

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On April 25, the Colombian capital, Bogota, will host an international summit to discuss the political situation in Venezuela, which is expected to be attended by representatives from Latin America, Europe, and the United States.

(with Sputnik).

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