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Abandoned in New Silent Hill or Metal Gear • Eurogamer.pt

Abandoned in New Silent Hill or Metal Gear • Eurogamer.pt

Hideo Kojima is not participating.

The Deserter’s association with the Silent Hill universe, as well as Hideo Kojima, was formidable and Not always positive For producers of survival shooter.

Blue Box Game Studios is trying to separate itself from these associations, and now it comes with a file Interview with NME, Thanks wccftech, reinforces this distance and denies all speculation.

Hassan Kahraman, the game’s creator, is keen to point out that Hideo Kojima is not involved in the project. We can also now safely say it’s not a new Silent Hill or Metal Gear.

“Abandoned is a shooting/survival game. It has some horror elements, but it’s not really a horror game. It’s not what people think – let it be Silent Hill.”

“No,” he answered when asked directly about Hideo Kojima’s involvement. “No not at all.”

“A few days ago, Hideo Kojima posted on Twitter his own doll, where he was standing with his mouth closed on top of a blue box (the blue box) and he was really vague about it,” Kahraman said. “Because of that, a lot of people assumed he was working on our real-time trial. This was after the delay, and he said, ‘I wanted to change some tires on the trailer, but they all stayed quiet.'” “Trying to deal with the insanity and keep everyone calm, but other than that, we don’t really work with Kojima.”

In the meantime, we’re all waiting for the PlayStation 5 interactive app to offer more new things, as I just heard the little introduction wasn’t really anything new.

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