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A worker may receive up to R,400 next year

A worker may receive up to R$2,400 next year

PIS/Pasep was suspended in 2021 and its payments carried over to next year. This indicates that in 2022 the salary bonus may be paid twice, and already two versions should be issued indicating the base year 2020 and 2021.

There is an expectation that the minimum wage in 2022 will be R$ 1,200, so a worker who is entitled to the salary bonus for two base years will be able to get R$ 2,400 (remember that this amount is not official yet, it is only an estimate) .

Codefat (Consultative Council of the Workers’ Support Fund) has not yet released a calendar with payment dates.

Before the postponement, PIS/Pasep was traditionally issued beginning in July of each year and ran until June of the following year. However, from 2022 onwards, there will be a change, as the rules governing the program have been updated. Transfers to the worker must take place between January and December each year.

The salary bonus is evaluated according to the month of birth of the worker in the private sector. For a public servant who has the right to Pasep, the calendar is drawn up taking into account the final registration number. About 23 million workers will have access to the new payments.

To withdraw the salary bonus, the worker must comply with the rules set by the government such as:

I worked 30 days or 12 months in the base year with a formal contract

They got an average of up to two minimum wage

Be registered for at least five years in PIS / Pasep

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The data is properly obtained by the company in its annual Social Information Report (RICE).

How was PASEP created?

The Public Officials Legacy Formation Program, known as PASEP, was created by Supplementary Law No. 8/1970, and by Supplementary Law No. 26/1975, PASEP was unified with PIS – Social Integration Program, which gave rise to PIS- PASEP Fund.

The 1988 Federal Constitution introduced profound changes to the two programs, ending the distribution of shares of the PIS/PASEP Fund, while respecting the ownership of individual assets formed through share distributions, which were implemented between 1972 and 1989

As determined by art. 239 of CF/88, the pool resulting from contributions to PIS and PASEP was intended to finance the Workers’ Support Fund – FAT, to sponsor payroll allowance and unemployment insurance programs, therefore, only participants registered until October 4, 1988, could own individual PASEP shares. Banco do Brasil is responsible for Pasep.

How was PIS created?

PIS (Social Integration Program) was established by Supplementary Law No. 7/1970. The program sought to integrate private sector employees into the company’s development. Payment of the PIS is the responsibility of Caixa Ecomica Federal.

Employees from the private sector have access to the benefits established by law and also cooperate with the development of companies in this sector.