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A short-term course at the UFPA deals with the methodology of the social sciences;  Learn how to register |  for

A short-term course at the UFPA deals with the methodology of the social sciences; Learn how to register | for

Until Thursday (28), registration is open for short-term personal courses aimed at skills of scientific methodology at the Amazon School of Systematic Training.

The aim is to use the spaces at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), in Belém, to disseminate scientific and methodological knowledge of the social sciences.

The Amazon School of Systematic Training is an extension project of the College of Social Sciences (FACS), Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH), and Graduate Program in Political Science (PPGCP).

Unlike the last presentation that was presented, which offered courses aimed at introducing political science, the courses offered this time will aim to introduce social science methodology and have been chosen to provide an overview of the scientific process. The approach ranges from data collection, processing, analysis, and linking data and theory to publication.

The courses offered will take place from 1 to 12 August and will include the following topics:

  • Introduction to the R language.
  • An introduction to the theoretical construction of the social sciences.
  • “Poll and Public Opinion”,
  • “Publish Yourself: How to Plan, Organize, and Write Scientific Papers”,
  • and “Introduction to Multivariate Data Analysis”.

Classes will work intensively, offering exercises in the classroom and at home, not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical training.

Applications are aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students at the UFPA or another institution of higher education.

Interested parties should reach out to a electronic model-Ability to select one or more courses.

Summer courses at Amazon School of Systematic Training, at UFPA
Registration: Until July 28
The form is available at Site
Course Duration: From 1 to 12 August 2022.

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