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A short film from the USA that tells the story of the seer who created the Valley of Dawn

A short film from the USA that tells the story of the seer who created the Valley of Dawn

The short film is titled Mother of dawn’, which debuts at the prestigious South by Southwest festival this month, tells the story of sergipe seer Tia Neiva who founded Vale do Amanhecer, in Planaltina, in the Federal District.

She became famous in the 1960s for having spiritual visions and creating a religious community in the Central Highlands.

A short film from the USA that tells the story of the seer who created the Vale do Amanhecer in DF

Credits: Reproduction

A short film from the USA that tells the story of the seer who created the Vale do Amanhecer in DF

The film was produced by the United States, but with the assistance of Brazilian Nicholas Cole, as a field producer. He led research on Tia Neva’s life.

Directed by Janelle Chertcliffe and written by Angie Sims. There are still no expectations for its debut in Brazil.

Watch the trailer:

Aunt Neva

Tia Neiva was born in 1925 and died in 1985. She is the founder of União Espiritualista Seta Branca (UESB), a belief that combines elements of animism, Christianity, Umbanda, and beliefs in extraterrestrial beings.

Currently, the faith has more than 800,000 followers worldwide, including the United States, and has temples all over Brazil.

The Mother Temple, for example, has an imposing pyramid with a large lake surrounded by orixas.

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