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A raccoon in trouble asks the woman to help him escape from the dumpster

A raccoon in trouble asks the woman to help him escape from the dumpster

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The raccoon called for help after trying a lot and failing to escape on its own.

A young raccoon was having a hard time in a camp in California (USA). The animal entered a dumpster to search for food and could not get out.

Fortunately, at that moment Christine (who asked that her last name not be revealed) was passing by and saw a raccoon’s cry for help with no luck. Noticing that the little animal needed a helping hand, the young woman decided to help him with something he could use as a prop to get out of there.

“I was a little overwhelmed. I’ve seen raccoons come and go all day…so I was wondering why this guy was having such a hard time…he wasn’t even close to leaving. But he kept trying,” she told The Dodo.

“He was just jumping up and down for at least a few minutes,” Christine said. Then he saw me and looked straight at me. He nonchalantly jumped up and turned to look at me again and sat up a bit as if to say, “Look, I really can’t do this. help!'”

Thanks to Christine’s quick thinking, the raccoon finally makes it out of the trash, into the wild.

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