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A project that unites theater and game to disseminate science in MS public schools – Mato Grosso do Sul government portal

A project that unites theater and game to disseminate science in MS public schools – Mato Grosso do Sul government portal

Last week, the project “Between us nas escolas”, a science publishing activity developed in secondary schools in the Mato Grosso do Sul public network, was launched. He uses theater and online engagement strategies to talk about science and the possibility of higher education in the state.

Implemented by Mídia Ciência, a project developed by the Foundation to support the development of education, science and technology in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul (Fundect) with the University of Mato Grosso do Sul State (UEMS), the activity began on 29 July, online and with the participation of high school students from the Perry Martins State School , in Bataguasso, a city 310.9 km from Campo Grande. The State Department of Education, Mato Grosso do Sul, has supported this measure.

“Our aim, first, is to talk about science with students in the most accessible way possible, which is why we have indicated a game that is familiar to the vast majority of them,” explains the project coordinator, Andre Mazzini. “We also show the students an overview of the possibilities for them to continue higher education after completion from high school, sharing information about selection processes, quotas, scholarships, financial aid, and course options, among others.”

The debut at the Escola de Bataguassu was attended by more than 50 students, from first to third year of high school. The work is divided into two phases, the first is a theatrical and interactive presentation, inspired by the game “Between Us”, presenting the fictional story of a criminal investigation that was solved only thanks to the support of scientists from UEMS. Next, the project proposes to have a conversation with the students about the possibilities of internships at the universities of Mato Grosso do Sul.

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According to Professor Anna Paula Zurzan Matos, who accompanied the event, approaching the reality game for teenagers, the activity managed to attract the attention of students and illustrate the importance of scientific research. “The experience was very relevant, the students interacted with the actor to unravel the mystery, and they realized that with scientific knowledge they could successfully unravel it. On the universities side, they were excited to know that they could actually fulfill their dreams of getting a good course, as there are several ways that can facilitate admission ‘, he explains.

For student Bruna Paulina da Silva, 16, the experience has been positive. “Even for us in high school, we could have an idea of ​​how to go to university, how to apply the knowledge, and I think it was a very educational and very beneficial experience for us,” stresses the student, who is in her second year of high school and plans to study medicine. With information from Media Science.

UEMS Communication Consulting

Photo: UEMS