01/28/2022 – 19:57
Pablo Valadares / House of Representatives
Walter Alves, author of Bill
Bill 2687/21 allows the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FNDCT) to allocate resources to science, technology and innovation projects and activities that meet specific demands from the private sector. The proposal is being processed in the House of Representatives.
According to the text, resources will be invested in a non-refundable manner, and projects and activities will be developed by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).
Proposal by Rep. Walter Alves (MDB-RN) changes laws regulating CNPq and FNDCT (4.533 / 64 e 11.540 / 07Respectively).
“Upgrade [ao desenvolvimento científico] It should be oriented towards innovation, scientific and technological research, combined with a productive environment, with the aim of training and achieving technological independence and industrial development in the country, says Alves.
The project will be analyzed in categorical character by the committees for science, technology, communications and informatics; finance and taxation; Constitution, justice and citizenship.
Learn more about billing
Reporting – Janary Jr.
Editing – Pierre Tripoli
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