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A mosquito similar to the Aedes aegypti mosquito was found in a school in Rio Negrinho

A mosquito similar to the Aedes aegypti mosquito was found in a school in Rio Negrinho

A disease-carrying mosquito similar to the Aedes aegypti, which transmits diseases such as dengue fever, has been found in Rio Negrinho, according to an observer report.

Gerson Augusto Simões reported:
In just two days I found 3 mosquitoes very similar to the mosquito that transmits dengue fever inside the Quilano Martins School in Rio Negrinho SC! Last I found, I took this photo and then handed the mosquito to the school principal who said she would contact epidemiological control and send the mosquito for analysis! The weird thing is, I got really sick over the September 7th holiday and spent 4 days in bed feeling very sick! It gave me pain all over my body, pain in my eyes, headaches, and a lot of nosebleeds for 4 days! I felt like I was going to die! It was terrible! On those days when I was sick, I had a lot of red spots on my chest, similar to measles, but after five days the spots disappeared! I haven’t been to the doctor, but I think it could be dengue!

According to him, the mosquito was handed over to epidemiological surveillance and sent for analysis, but the results have not yet appeared.

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