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A loan of up to 3 thousand Brazilian riyals for Muslims?  Check out this opportunity

A loan of up to 3 thousand Brazilian riyals for Muslims? Check out this opportunity

In Brazil, financial difficulties often exclude people who are most in need of credit from the traditional banking system and who, therefore, do not qualify for an offer of a personal loan without proof. Banks and financial institutions want to risk as little as possible.

This is why no traditional bank or online credit institution will give a personal loan, even a small one, to a passive person because they will consider that these people will not be able to repay their credit properly. This applies regardless of the project under consideration. At least that’s how it was. We found out about bank loan cons and you can find out now. Just read the article below.

A loan of up to 3 thousand Brazilian riyals for Muslims?  Check out this opportunity
Yes, negative people also have access to credit – Image: Credit:jeanedeoliveirafotografia/pronatec.pro.br

Yes, negatives can be entered into the system

Caixa Econômica Federal grants credit to Legal Entities (PJ) and Individual Small Entrepreneurs (MEI) in the range of values ​​up to R$3,000 through the Caixa Tem mobile application. With the aim of encouraging financial sales of business investment, Caixa Tem has established this micro-credit line through the “Sim Digital – Crédito Caixa Tem” loan. This exclusive line pays up to R$1,000 for PJs and R$3,000 for MEIs, even if their name is blacklisted by SPC or Serasa.

Occupational instability, banking ban, cross-statements with other institutions indicate the risk of indebtedness. First of all, banks may refuse to make a credit offer for various reasons. The same goes for government funding agencies. Caixa does not do this because it has an exclusive credit limit.

Sim Digital loan can only be contracted through the Caixa Tem app which is available on the Play Store for Android devices and on the App Store for iOS devices. These terms vary depending on the type of customer. In the case of individuals, this credit line can be contracted at interest rates starting at 1.95% per month, or 26.08% per annum. Meanwhile, interest rates for MEI customers are as high as 1.99% and 26.68% per annum. The maximum repayment of the contracted loan is 24 installments.

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Can I do what I want with money?

Whatever the reason, it can happen that the situation generates the need to make money quickly. For this, there are several solutions depending on the required amount, but also according to your skills and availability.

So, no. Also, you can’t do what you want with money. This credit limit is only for those who wish to spend on their own business or with some initiative that promotes independent economic activity.

Namely: Caixa Econômica Federal will evaluate your application and respond within the application itself. If approved, the funds will be credited to your Caixa Tem digital account. Do not forget that to download the Caixa Tem application, you only need to consult the application store on your cell phone.

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