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A historical moment: Bishop of the island of Cyprus after 340 years

A historical moment: Bishop of the island of Cyprus after 340 years

“A historic moment” was defined by the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, during the episcopal consecration of the Brazilian monk Bruno Variano, on Saturday, March 16, at the Philoxenia Center in Nicosia, in Cyprus.

Lourdineha Nunes and Silvia Giuliano

Cardinal Pizzaballa presided over the celebration with the consecrated people: Cardinal Fortunato Frezza, Maronite Archbishop of Cyprus, Dom Selim Jean, Cardinal Américo Aguiar of Lisbon, and Cardinal Odilo Scherer of São Paulo. Present in large numbers to celebrate were the ecclesiastical authorities of the Latin and Eastern Church from all over the world, His Holiness Fouad Twal, Patriarch Emeritus of Jerusalem for the Latins, Dom Giovanni Pietro Dal Tosso, Apostolic Nuncio in Jordan and Cyprus, Dom Adolfo Tito Yllana, Apostolic Nuncio in Israel and Cyprus, and the Maronite Exarch Dom Edgar Madi, from São Paulo, and Friar Francisco Patón, Custos of the Holy Land, with a large number of friars from all over the territory of the Franciscan Custody. Many political authorities from the island also participated.

Episcopal ordination of Brazilian monk Bruno Variano

Episcopal ordination of Brazilian monk Bruno Variano

SB Cardinal Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa – Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

It is an event that we can call historic, as he is the first Latin bishop to reside in Cyprus after 340 years. It is a sign of important change. Christians and faithful Catholics from all over the world give the island of Cyprus a new face, and therefore it also needs a more solid church presence. The new bishop will bring this solidity to the Latin Catholic and Christian presence within a very beautiful history.

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But without a doubt, the most involved presence was the community of believers who wanted to accompany the priest at this important moment: a heterogeneous community, largely made up of immigrants from the Philippines, Sri Lanka, India, Africa and especially French-speaking countries.

Episcopal ordination of Brazilian monk Bruno Variano

Episcopal ordination of Brazilian monk Bruno Variano

Cardinal Pizzaballa referred to the pastoral challenges that have affected life in Cyprus and which “require an increasingly strong ecclesiastical presence, and a different and more courageous pastoral ministry, extending to the faithful scattered throughout the territory of the island, often in very fragile social situations.” “.

The episcopal ordination ritual includes a presentation by Father Francesco Patton, Custodian of the Holy Land, in which he demonstrated the papal decree that expresses the pastoral care and benevolent outlook shown by Pope Francis toward the Cyprus Church by appointing Father Bruno as its auxiliary bishop. Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Cyprus.

Father Francesco Patton – Custodian of the Holy Land

“What I hope for Friar Bruno, in a context like Cyprus, is to be able to build fraternity. I also hope that he can rise to the challenge set by Pope Francis: ‘the priest who smells of sheep’, that is, the one who always knows how to be with people.” And he understands their deep needs. The Franciscan presence in Cyprus goes back to the origins of the Franciscan presence in the Holy Land. In the late 12th century, when the monks were temporarily expelled from the holy places, they took refuge in Cyprus. Over the centuries, the monks had a much-loved place on the island, a refuge. Then There was a rather difficult period, when the Turks invaded Cyprus, but the monks returned and from 1600 onwards, our presence on the island increased.

Episcopal ordination of Brazilian monk Bruno Variano

Episcopal ordination of Brazilian monk Bruno Variano

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Brother Bruno Variano, of Brazilian origin, was born in São Paulo in 1971. He entered the Custody of the Holy Land in 1996. Among his many specializations, Brother Bruno holds a university degree in Spiritual Theology and a doctorate in Clinical Psychology.

He held various positions in the Custody of the Holy Land. He was a guardian of the Monastery of Nazareth and the Church of the Nativity. It has become known among pilgrims through the Viaculata, the Candle Procession on Saturdays, the program “At the School of the Holy Family” presented with the inspiration of the Holy Family, as well as the current program “At the School” “From the Apostles”, which is recorded in Cyprus and shown on Cancao Nova TV. . The co-founders of Comunidade Canção Nova, Luzia Santiago and Wellington Silva Jardim, also participated in the celebration.

Episcopal ordination of Brazilian monk Bruno Variano

Episcopal ordination of Brazilian monk Bruno Variano

At the end of the celebration, Dom Bruno Variano wanted to thank all those who made the celebration possible: “Thank you all for your encouragement. I remember my mission in Nazareth, where I lived for 9 years: it was close to Mary of Nazareth.” And to Saint Joseph that I was able to mature “yes” to this new mission. I would like to thank the Patriarchate and all the priests and seminarians for their closeness and love: I thank all the monks in the custody of the Holy Places. “Thank you to the Custodian Father who accompanied me at this moment and brought me back to the basics. Special and special thanks to my family and the Church.”

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Images: Group Policy Object.