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A curious bear attracts attention by ringing doorbells in America;  see

A curious bear attracts attention by ringing doorbells in America; see

This week in South Carolina (USA) a strange sight caught our attention: a bear rang the doorbell of a woman’s house. According to the UPI website, Wendy Watson said she was scared when she saw what was recorded on camera.

In the video, the bear appears on Wendy’s doorstep and stands up. The animal stretches its paw to the bell and it rings. He continues to wait, sees that nothing happens, and leaves the place at dawn.

Although the animal appears to be doing nothing in the video, Wendy said it did some damage by eating what it saw in front of it.

“The bear walked down the porch and reached for the doorbell, left a little nose print on the window, looked around and came down. While he was here, he ate a bunch of birdseed.”

The owner of the property said he was a regular visitor to the neighborhood and had seen him at the location on other occasions. In addition to eating the birds’ seeds, the bear has already destroyed two bird feeders. But for the first time he rang the bell to “announce” his presence.

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