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“A coordinated situation,” the mayor said after the state charges in the health district of Fiera de Santana

“A coordinated situation,” the mayor said after the state charges in the health district of Fiera de Santana

Photo: Ney Silva/Wake Up City

In front of the positions indicated by the state government regarding the municipality of Vieira de Santana in recent days, that the health units in the state will be overcrowded, in addition to the fact that the city offers the worst rates in the vaccination schedule in Bahia, said Mayor Colbert Martins Filho, responding to the accusations Monday morning (30 ) He said it was a “orchestrated situation”.

In an interview with Programa Acorda Cidade, the mayor commented mainly in the field of health, the state government indicated that there were no situations to blame the municipal government.

“I have no idea, I’m not on the podium and I work like any other citizen. It’s an orderly situation, very strong in health. It’s something people want to achieve for me as a doctor, but I will continue to respect the people of my city.”

Mayor Colbert Martins
Photo: Ed Santos/Accorda Cidade

When asked about a video posted by federal deputy José Neto (Workers’ Party), where he refers to the health problems in Vieira de Santana, the mayor emphasized that he is not interested in maintaining a dialogue with the state authorities, because his work is done directly with the population. boycott.

“I’m not on the podium, I don’t know where he is either, what I want is to work and I want to work more and more. Commit any kind of insult he’ll get the answer ‘no blow’. I’m not here to talk to the authorities, I’m an authority. I’m here to talk to the people To my fellows chosen as I was. I am humbled to understand my insignificance in regard to the great conic of deeds. We must be humble and not think that I ought to speak to the authorities.”

See also  Hand, foot and mouth disease, common among children

Read also: Feira de Santana has one of the worst vaccination coverage rates in Bahia

Because they are unable to receive care in other units, patients fill out a UPA at the HGCA

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