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A city in Midwestern SC confirms a case of malaria

A city in Midwestern SC confirms a case of malaria

Nossa Senhora das Durres Hospital, in Cabenzal, confirmed a case of malaria on Monday (12). The patient, a 19-year-old man, sought medical care on Friday (12) and remains in hospital there. He came from Roraima last week to work for the municipality of Santa Catarina in the Midwest.

The Anopheles mosquito, which transmits malaria, also known as Anopheles mosquito, the vector of malaria, also known as the “nail mosquito” – Image: Dive/Disclosure/ND

The hospital director, Adelaide Frigo, explains that the young man arrived at the emergency room with a fever of about 40 degrees Celsius, chills, headache, and severe sweating. Furthermore, the patient reported that he had been diagnosed with malaria a few months earlier.

a State Department of Health It was reported that the man arrived at Kabinzal three days ago and the symptoms began on Monday (5). Since malaria was already suspected, a test was collected and the material was sent to Lassen (Central Public Health Laboratory of Santa Catarina), which confirmed the disease.


When a case is identified, the Ministry of Health orders the medicine, which is stocked in the state's 17 health regions. The majority of cases of the disease in Santa Catarina are imported from endemic areas.

According to the secretariat, there is still no risk of an increase in indigenous malaria cases in the state.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of malaria are high temperature, chills, shivering, sweating, and headache. However, there are people who, before these symptoms appear, exhibit vomiting, fatigue, and lack of appetite.

Treatment is provided and controlled by the Ministry of Health and is entirely available through SUS.

About malaria

a Dive (Directorate of Epidemiological Surveillance) explains that malaria is a contagious disease transmitted through the bite of a mosquito of the genus Anopheles Infected with Plasmodium.

Malaria is considered one of the most important parasitic diseases and infects millions of people annually, especially on the African continent. It is a disease that has a cure, but it can develop into serious forms if it is not diagnosed and treated quickly.

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