We often associate the sunshine with moments of fun, but even in these quiet moments, we’re not immune to tragedy.
The truth is, there are many Things that should not be kept in the car when we encounter high temperatures.
While we usually associate hot weather with melting ice cream and crowded offices, what about our cars?
Recently, the Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service in the UK put out an amazing message on Twitter warning about the dangers of leaving items inside a car exposed to extreme heat.
The car catches fire when the owner forgets the glasses
Surprisingly, UK firefighters have shared an image of a fire caused by something as common as harmless sunglasses left on a dashboard. The message conveyed was clear: They said sunlight could cause a fire.
Keep reflective objects out of direct sunlight: “This incident serves as an important reminder of the dangers associated with extreme heat inside vehicles.”
On a hot Saturday, around 5.05pm, a team from the Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service were called in to deal with a real fire in Nuthall.
The cause of the fire? Such an ordinary thing, a pair of sunglasses, was left on the dashboard of a car exposed to the blazing sun.
The fire service’s social media post was met with a surprising response. Comments flooded the post with people who were shocked to discover that such a trivial item could do so much damage.
Many thanked him for the information, admitting they had never heard of this danger. Users also praised the fire service for its vigilance and quick response to a fire. Watch out for the glasses that stay inside the car!
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