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What health problem does Ze Felipe’s wife face?

What health problem does Ze Felipe’s wife face?

Virginia Fonseca, digital influencer and wife of singer Z Felipe, faces a major health challenge: chronic migraines.

Diagnosed with “conventional analgesics-resistant headache,” Virginia struggles with intense attacks that do not respond to conventional treatments.

In recent years, the influencer has looked for different medical options to get relief, but to no avail.

Start treatment at a headache center in Brazil

Virginia recently started a new treatment in São Paulo, at the Headache Center of Brazil, under the supervision of neurologist Thaïs Vila.

This comprehensive program, known as 360° Migraine Therapy, involves a multidisciplinary team including neurologists, physical therapists and dentists, with the aim of treating not only migraines, but also neck and shoulder pain, which is the result of recurring attacks.

The specialist explained that due to the excessive use of painkillers, Virginia began to suffer from withdrawal symptoms and the intensity of her pain was increasing.

Use of Botox and anesthesia blocks

One innovative approach Virginia took was to use Botox to the head. This technique involves injecting botulinum toxin into specific points on the scalp, which helps reduce nerve inflammation associated with migraine attacks.

The neurologist explained that after the initial anesthesia block, Botox takes effect after about 10 days, and applications are made every three months, for a total of eight sessions.

Expectations and future care

Virginia has demonstrated her determination to follow medical guidelines, which include avoiding trigger foods and maintaining discipline in her treatment.

According to the neurologist, if she continues on this path, she could see a significant reduction in crises over the next two years.

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Although it is a continuous treatment, VA is expected to achieve greater spacing between applications, providing an improvement in quality of life.

She highlights the importance of not getting into a medication cycle, and ultimately getting lasting relief from pain.