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Current and savings account holders receive a notification from Banco do Brasil

Current and savings account holders receive a notification from Banco do Brasil

In the present dayTechnology affects different aspects of our lives and advances Facilities and innovations. However, this convenience also has a dark side, which is often exploited by cybercriminals. A symbolic example of this is the misuse of remote access software, which has been used in scams to obtain sensitive personal information.

In order to protect against such fraud, Some institutions Finance, such as Bank of BrazilWe have invested in informing the public about how these scams operate and how to deal with them Security best practices. Staying informed is an essential step to avoid falling into the traps of these criminals.

How do remote access software scams work?

These are usually scams start cWith connection. The malicious person pretends to be a representative of a financial institution, claiming that suspicious activity has been detected in the victim’s account or that it will be necessary Any security update. Using social engineering techniques, the scammer convinces the victim to install remote access software with the false promise of solving the problem.

Once the unwanted software is installed, the fraudster has full control of the victim’s device. This control allows them Access to personal and financial information, including authentication codes Sent by email or SMSAnd carrying out unauthorized transactions. This criminal practice may also include techniques to hide the presence of software on the device, This makes it difficult for the victim to detect it.

What are the warning signs?

Scam Alert – Credits: Depositphotos.com/Rawpixel

Identifying red flags is crucial to avoid falling for remote access software fraud. Some indicators include:

  • Unexpected calls: Be wary of any call from financial institutions requesting personal information or software installation.
  • Software installation request: Legitimate banks do not require customers to install remote access software, as this is a strong indicator of a scam.
  • Press to move quickly: Criminals often create a sense of urgency so that the victim does not think enough about their actions.
  • Messages with suspicious links: Avoid clicking on links from unknown senders or suspicious messages that may lead to malware being installed without your consent.
  • Requests for financial information: Never give out passwords or banking details over phone or message.
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How to prevent these scams?

Adopting precautionary measures is essential to avoid remote scams. Here are some recommendations:

  • Stay alert: Do not trust contacts who ask you to install software without prior request.
  • Identity verification: Use official channels to confirm the identity of those calling you.
  • Keep security up to date: Always keep your security software up to date to detect potential threats.
  • Be careful with links: Avoid clicking on suspicious links and download apps from trusted sources only.

What to do if you are a victim of a scam?

Acting quickly is essential! If you suspect or are certain that you have fallen victim to a scam, follow these steps:

1. Report a scam:

  • police: File a police report as soon as possible. Write down all details of the scam, such as dates, amounts, names, and contact information of those involved.
  • Bank or financial institution: Contact your bank or credit card company immediately to block your cards and accounts to avoid further losses.
  • Credit protection companies: Report fraud to credit protection companies (Serasa, SPC) to prevent your name from being used inappropriately.

2. Check your device:

  • Antivirus: Run a full scan of your computer or smartphone with up-to-date antivirus software to identify and remove any malware that may have been installed during the scam.
  • IT Specialist: If you don’t feel safe, find an information security professional to conduct a more in-depth analysis of your device.

3. Monitor your accounts:

  • Extract: Request a detailed statement of your bank and credit card accounts to identify any unauthorized transactions.
  • Alerts: Activate transaction alerts at your bank to be notified of any movement in your accounts.
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4. Share your experience:

  • Social Media: Share your experience on your social media to alert your friends and family about the scam.
  • Reporting platforms: There are online platforms where you can report scams and help others avoid falling for scams.

Why sharing your experience is important:

  • consciousness: By sharing your story, you help raise awareness about different types of scams and how to protect themselves.
  • protection: By disclosing information about the scam, you help prevent other people from falling victim to the same scam.
  • Service improvement: Financial institutions and authorities can use this information to improve their security systems and prevent future fraud.

Additional Tips:

  • Keep your personal data safe: Avoid sharing confidential information on social media or with unknown people.
  • Use strong and unique passwords: Create complex, unique passwords for each online account.
  • Be wary of offers that are too good to be true: If the offer seems irresistible, be skeptical.
  • Website validation: Before providing your personal data, make sure that the site is safe and trustworthy.

He remembers: Prevention is the best way to avoid scams. By following these tips and staying alert, you can protect your money and avoid losses.
