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Argentina identifies the Hezbollah leader who planned attacks in Brazil

Argentina identifies the Hezbollah leader who planned attacks in Brazil

According to the Ministry of Security, Hussein Ahmed Karaki planned attacks in Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia

Argentine Security Minister Patricia Bullrich Released This Friday (October 25, 2024) comes a request for the international arrest of Hussein Ahmed Karaki, who will become the leader of the extremist Hezbollah in Latin America. Argentine intelligence believes that Al-Karki is currently in Lebanon, the group’s headquarters.

According to the agency, the head of the Lebanese group was at the forefront of planning an attack against Jewish synagogues and buildings in Brazil, which was Averted Through a federal police operation with the assistance of Argentine authorities, in November 2023. The extremist had also attempted to carry out an attack in Peru, in March. Bolivia will be another target country for Hezbollah.

In order not to be noticed by the Latin American authorities, Caraci used documents of Brazilian, Colombian and Venezuelan citizenship – which would have been granted directly by former president Hugo Chavez (1954-2013).

In the region, in addition to planning attacks, he worked to recruit Latin Americans for Hezbollah.

Karaki was also in Brazil. Before the extremist attack launched by Hezbollah on the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires in 1992, he came to the country using a Colombian passport, according to Minister Bullrich.

He would have actively participated in the attack against the representation of the Jewish state and in another attack against an Israeli association in Argentina in 1994, which resulted in the deaths of 85 people.

After revealing the identity of Hussein Ahmed Karaki, Argentina issued a red alert to Interpol so that the extremist could be arrested as soon as he was identified by the authorities.

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It recommended that the member states of the organization provide information and arrest those wanted by the international authority. The only two countries that are not members of the organization are North Korea and Tuvalu.

In December 2023, Power360 Show how Hezbollah works in the process of recruiting votes in Brazil with the participation of Mohamed Khair, another Hezbollah agent: