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The woman who complained of pain had five extra organs – Jornal Estado de Minas

The woman who complained of pain had five extra organs – Jornal Estado de Minas

A 31-year-old Australian woman experienced severe cramps, which she thought were due to her menstrual cycle. After the pain got worse, Mel Plakanica decided to go to the hospital hospitalWhere he discovered that he had five additional organs.

At the health center, the Australian underwent several tests, which showed that Mel was positive for two the wombFour ovaries, two necks, and three kidneys. You doctors They were surprised, as the initial hypothesis was that she had a tumor in her uterus, because there was something in the form of a lump in that area.

The woman had to undergo surgery

After discovering the additional organs, the woman underwent a series of surgeries to redistribute them in her body, thus relieving the severe pain. One of the uteruses, ovaries and cervix were removed, while the uterus was removed college The increase was maintained.

Doctors believe the pain may have been caused by a severe case of endometriosis in the uterus that was removed. The woman told international media that her life could have been easier if the diagnosis had been made earlier. After this experience, she advises people to undergo further imaging tests.

*Interned under editor Ellen Christie.

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