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Venezuela accuses Brazil of “aggression” for using its veto power against joining BRICS

Venezuela accuses Brazil of “aggression” for using its veto power against joining BRICS

The country indicated in the text that it is not just the largest energy reserve in the world. Noting that they also have “the science of values, principles and vision to build a just, multicentric and multipolar world,” they stressed that they had the backing and support of other countries at the summit to formalize their accession to the bloc. In addition to Venezuela, Nicaragua was excluded from the initial list that identifies candidate countries for partners in the bloc.

Venezuela stated that Brazil’s decision “contradicts the nature and postulates of the BRICS group.” The statement stressed that this measure preserves the veto power that former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) used over the country “for years.” Quoting the representative of the Brazilian Chancellery at the meeting by name, Ambassador Eduardo Paes Saboya, the country accused the veto of reproducing “the hatred, exclusion and intolerance promoted by Western power centers to prevent, for the time being, ‘the entry of Bolívar’s homeland into the organisation’.”

(…) [A decisão brasileira] It constitutes aggression against Venezuela and a hostile gesture in addition to the criminal policy of sanctions imposed on a brave and revolutionary people, such as the Venezuelan people. Venezuela honors the South and East of the world with its firmness in defending the right to self-determination and sovereign equality among nations. No trick or maneuver directed against Venezuela will be able to interrupt the course of history. A new world was born! Venezuela is part of this free world free of domination.
Venezuela Statement

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At the end of the text, the country once again noted that the Venezuelan people “feel indignant and ashamed at this immoral and inexplicable aggression by the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Itamarata).” They also accused the Brazilian government of “continuing the worst policies of Jair Bolsonaro against the Bolivarian Revolution founded by leader Hugo Chavez.”

The country also declared the summit a “resounding success.” “We congratulate President Putin and his government for their extraordinary contributions, in the words of Libertador Simón Bolívar, to achieving global balance.”

In a press interview during the summit, Maduro said that Venezuela “has been a member of BRICS for two hundred years.” In a video shared by his party, the president presents himself to the Venezuelan public as part of the bloc and mentions “great powers” ​​such as China, India and Russia, and emerging powers such as Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Brazil was not mentioned in the statement.