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Understand what pubic pain is, a common inflammation during pregnancy that keeps a digital influencer up at night! Eliezer showed his wife Vieh Tube on her Instagram story with an ice pack near her private area, and asked her to explain what was happening. She was in the ninth month of pregnancy […]

Understand what pubic pain is, which is a common inflammation during pregnancy Which has been keeping the digital influencer up at night!

Eliezer showed his wife Vieh Tube on her Instagram story with an ice pack near her private area, and asked her to explain what was happening. In her ninth month of pregnancy, she explained to her followers that she suffers from pubic pain.

Late in her pregnancy, Viih Tube suffered from pubic pain, which causes pain in the pelvic area. Photo: Instagram/Eliezer

Photo: Malo Magazine

The former BBB also spoke out on the topic for Women, drawing attention to the condition that caused pain in the influencer’s pelvic area.

Like everything Vieh and Eliezer publishes, Popalgia has sparked curiosity and concern in many who follow their journey.


Pubic pain, or pubic symphysis dysfunction, is a condition that can cause severe pain in the pelvic area, and is common in pregnant women, especially in the last months of pregnancy.

Natalia Castro, obstetrician-gynecologist at FEBRASGO, spoke Malo Magazine And explain the problem.

“This condition manifests as pain that can radiate to the thighs and lower abdomen, and is often described as a feeling of heaviness or discomfort in the lower abdomen.”

What causes pubes?

During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through many hormonal and physical changes that can lead to pubic pain.

“An increase in relaxin, the hormone that relaxes ligaments to allow birth, along with weight gain and postural changes, can cause pelvic overload,” explains Natalia.

Because of this extra load, a woman may feel pain, often when climbing stairs or even when getting out of bed.

“Pain can appear in the second trimester of pregnancy and peak between weeks 24 and 36 of pregnancy,” adds Isabella Stapoli, a pelvic physiotherapist at the Maccabi Institute.

According to her, daily activities, such as standing or sitting for a long time, can aggravate the condition. In addition, movements such as turning over in bed or climbing stairs are commonly associated with worsening pain.

How to relieve symptoms?

Early diagnosis is essential, according to Natalia. An obstetrician recommends that pregnant women who suffer from pelvic pain consult a doctor to rule out other conditions, such as urinary tract infections or signs of premature labor, ensuring that treatment is as appropriate as possible.


Treatment for pubic pain includes pelvic physical therapy, which aims to strengthen the pelvic muscles and improve stability.

Isabella Stapoli also confirms that “physical therapy helps relieve pain through lumbar stabilization exercises, stretching, and specific manual techniques.”

However, some pregnant women may also benefit from the use of support belts, which provide more stability to the pelvic area.

In addition to physical therapy, pregnant women can use other methods to reduce discomfort.

Among the techniques that definitely contribute are acupuncture, light aerobic exercises and stretching exercises, which help release endorphins and increase the pain threshold, providing natural relief.

“Every case is unique, and treatment must be tailored to meet the specific needs of each pregnant woman,” explains Isabella.

Does pubic pain continue until the end of pregnancy?

Yes, but for most pregnant women, symptoms usually go away after giving birth.

“Discomfort may be common until the end of pregnancy, but with proper treatment, it is possible to reduce the intensity of pain and improve the quality of life until the baby is born,” says Dr. Natalia.

However, through Viih Tube’s report, many pregnant women can learn and feel encouraged to seek professional help for the challenges of pubic pain during pregnancy, ensuring greater peace of mind and comfort in the final months of pregnancy.

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