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How do I get rid of the message on Bolsa Família?

How do I get rid of the message on Bolsa Família?

Find out what the open request letter means in the protocol that has been scaring the recipients of Bolsa Família

Unexpected messages in the Bolsa Família application, such as “Open request in your protocol name,” can raise many suspicions among recipients. They often indicate pending issues or ongoing requests that require immediate attention.

Staying informed about the reason for these notices is essential so that your benefit payments are not lost or suspended.

It is important that beneficiaries know how to act when these messages appear, ensuring that aid is released. Learn about possible solutions!

An open request in the name of protocol is a scary message in Bolsa Família! Credit: @jeanedeoliveirafotografia / pronatecnologia.com.br

How do I get rid of the message on Bolsa Família?

Beneficiaries of Bolsa Família have reported a new message in their applications that says: “An order with your protocol name has been opened.”

This notification occurs when the system recognizes that there are mandatory fields that are not filled in in your records. This situation can generate fears and doubts, because it can directly harm the continuity of the benefit.

When recipients receive this message, it is essential that they understand the urgency of the situation. Unfilled fields may include important information about family composition, income and other issues essential for assessing the right to benefit.

Therefore, it is important that beneficiaries do not leave this request unanswered, because regulation is necessary to avoid a ban or suspension of Bolsa Familia.

The first action that beneficiaries must take is to go to the nearest Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS). CRAS is the perfect place to solve these problems, as it has trained specialists to help update registration data.

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What to do after attending CRAS?

Upon accessing CRAS, beneficiaries must provide the necessary documents, such as ID, CPF and any other evidence that may be required to correct the data.

Furthermore, it is necessary to open a ticket or complaint with the Ministry of Social Development. By doing so, the government will register the officially registered application,

MDS has specific channels for this type of complaint, and case registration can help speed up the resolution process. With the invitation open, beneficiaries have a clear track of their registration status and will be able to follow updates.

Therefore, it is important that beneficiaries are aware of the deadlines for settling the situation. Inactivity or failure to respond to the message may result in suspension of benefit.

Therefore, the sooner the beneficiary acts, the greater the chances of avoiding complications in the future. Taking quick action also demonstrates the beneficiary’s responsibility to keep the information up to date, which is a positive factor in Bolsa Família monitoring.

Find out more: Have you noticed a strange email or number in the app? Do this to protect your Bolsa Família