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The opposition criticizes the failure of state-owned companies in Lula’s government

The opposition criticizes the failure of state-owned companies in Lula’s government

The group’s leader in the Senate, Rogerio Marinho (PL-RN), labeled the PT administration a “locust plague.”

Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Rogerio Marinho (PL-RN) This Saturday (October 19, 2024) criticized the deficit 9.76 billion Brazilian reals In inflation-adjusted terms (in September prices) during the president’s third term Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT). It is the largest negative balance in the 21st century in less than two years (2023 and 2024).

In your Profile on X (formerly Twitter) The Senator rated the Labor government’s behavior as A “Locust plague”whose expression CEO is always used to refer to the former president Jair Bolsonaro (pl).

“The foolish procession of a government that behaves like a locust plague continues, wasting the public treasury, and preparing the state according to an electricity project. BT standard”books.

Senator Sergio Moro (Uniao Brasil-PR) was also used Social network account Written by Elon Musk to criticize the gap in companies. “It was not surprising that, under the Lula government, state-owned enterprises once again incurred multi-billion-dollar losses.”He said.

The representative said on his Instagram page Sosthenes cavalcanti (PL-RJ) He said it was time for that “Together to protect the future of our country”. For him, Brazil cannot afford any more setbacks.

“In just two years, we have accumulated the largest state-owned enterprise loss in this century, with a deficit of R$9.76 billion under the Lula government. “The path we are on is not sustainable.”books.

Rumbo state owners

Expenditures exceeded revenues by R$2.43 billion in 2023. There was a further loss of R$7.33 billion in the accumulated period from January to August 2024. Data taken from Central Bank. the Power360 Correction of inflation data for this period. here complete From the report issued by the Monetary Authority (PDF – 312 KB).

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Infographic showing the history of losses in state-owned companies

The historical series collects data since 2002. It is also possible to observe the balance in the accounts of the Lula (2003-2010), Dilma/Temer (2011-2018), and Bolsonaro (2019-2022) governments.

The deficit in Lula’s government exceeded what was recorded in the government’s first term Dilma Rousseff (PT), when there was a negative balance of R$ 7.53 billion at current prices. The negative balance reflects part of the surplus of R$31.16 billion obtained during the Bolsonaro government.

The largest positive balance was recorded in the first term of the Lula government, when it totaled R$42.02 billion from 2003 to 2006 in terms updated for inflation.

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