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Integra UFMS will screen the documentary “Women in Science”.

Integra UFMS will screen the documentary “Women in Science”.

On October 24, starting at 4 p.m., the Arquiteto Jurandir Nogueira Hall will host a screening of the documentary Women in science. The session is part of the Integra UFMS 2024 program and is free and open to the community. Registration can be done here.

The documentary was produced by the project Master + Sciencean initiative of the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul, in partnership with the Foundation for Supporting the Development of Education, Science and Technology of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, with the support of the State Government, through the State Secretariat of Citizenship, and CEPRA. Vice Chancellor Camila Itafo is one of the most prominent works that have been It was launched in August It contains testimonies from professors, researchers, students, and managers who occupy different spaces in scientific production in multiple sclerosis.

The project coordinator and director of the documentary, journalist Andre Mazzini, explains that the topic arose from the perception of the increasing number of women in higher education and the disparity regarding careers in leadership positions in research. “When we look for those who receive the Productivity Grant, the highest grant from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), the majority are men. Nobel Prize winners, the majority are men. So we realized that although more women are entering education In science, when we look at the top, there is still inequality.

By listening to testimonies, the team identified the situations and challenges that permeate the lives of all those interviewed. “For example, many of them spoke of a certain feeling of insecurity regarding what clothes to wear in certain situations. […] Many also talk about the difficulty of having their opinions heard properly in meetings and in decision-making bodies. Another situation reported by almost everyone was the challenge of juggling family life with high-level academic production. They seem to be very far apart from each other and they have this feeling that they need to choose. […] So, the moment we share these concerns, we realize that it is a structural problem, not just a personal problem for every woman.

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For the journalist, the documentary’s contribution is precisely to amplify the voice, spread the story, and contextualize the data that has been showing gender inequality in the region for some time. “When data is just a number, I get the impression that it doesn’t raise awareness in the same way as listening to people tell their stories. […] So the great virtue of this documentary is to humanize the discussion and show that when we have a structure that prevents women from developing their academic careers, and their activities as scholars, then we, as a society, lose a lot. How much amazing research could we get if these women could get it right? We have much to gain by allowing them to create a more equal environment for scientific and academic production.

About the situation Current policy for women in science in the country, the Director outlines recent developments based on the occupancy of women in decision-making bodies in institutions. It mentions measures such as specific notices and changes in notifications to prevent female candidates being penalized for maternity leave, benefits such as daycare and even the installation of baby changing facilities in universities, among others, but reinforces that the problem remains quite structural.

“The documentary also has an important fictional part that ties the plot together. He concluded his speech by saying: “I invite everyone to watch.”

the Tractor responsible Women in science More information can be accessed at MS +Science Project Page. The full schedule and registration links for Integra UFMS activities can be accessed at Event page.

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Text: Ariane Community