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National Science and Technology Week begins in PE

National Science and Technology Week begins in PE

The National Science and Technology Week in Pernambuco, which began in Vieira Nova, promotes the integration of science and popular knowledge, through workshops, educational activities and a mobile science caravan that will take scientific activities to several cities in the state.

Pernambuco began last Monday (14) the National Science and Technology Week (Snicket), with the opening of the Viera Nova municipal movement. The event, which this year has the theme “Brazilian Biomes: Diversity, Knowledge and Social Technologies,” promotes the integration of science and popular knowledge through a broad program that includes workshops and itinerant educational actions.

On the first day, the Mobile Science Caravan began its journey with two trucks full of experiments and interactive activities that sparked the curiosity of students and local residents, providing an immersive educational experience. In the gymnasium of the João Murillo Municipal School, the project resulted in a dynamic and engaging program, marking the beginning of SNCT. “The goal is to bring scientific knowledge closer to inland communities, making science accessible to everyone and present in their routine lives. This initiative is in line with the guidelines of the Government of Raquel Lira to democratize access to science and with this year’s SNCT theme, which focuses on preserving areas Biology. Director of Scientific Outreach and Publication, Diogo Lopez de Oliveira, explained that the caravan is not limited to conveying content, but rather it creates opportunities to uncover new talents and inspire students to see science from new perspectives.

Among the most popular activities are physics and chemistry demonstrations, as well as sensory experiments that explain basic concepts of perception. The presence of the convoy in the municipality is part of the efforts aimed at decentralizing scientific work and promoting the inclusion of knowledge. Maria Luisa, a seventh-grader in primary school, was delighted with the experiments. “I have never seen so many different experiments up close, and I was able to learn new things in a fun way,” she said. “Now, I understand better how science works,” she said. Part of our daily lives.”

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National Science and Technology Week is not limited to the capital city of Recife, and through this initiative, it reinforces the importance of bringing science closer to communities in the interior of Pernambuco. The caravan continues its journey throughout the week, visiting cities such as Olinda, Jaranhones, São João and Belém de São Francisco.

At Espaço Ciência, activities start on Tuesday (15) with activities and workshops covering different topics, always linked to the theme of Brazilian biomes and environmental awareness. One of the highlights of the day was the “River Monitoring” workshop, in which participants analyzed the water quality of Chico Science’s mangroves and discussed ways to conserve them.

In addition to the workshops, the program throughout the week will include educational games, such as “Mangue Runner,” in partnership with Fiocruz/RJ, and a gardening course with online lessons. Another highlight is the provision of special training for teachers, focusing on scientific and environmental topics, which helps schools enhance science teaching.

Held annually since 2004, SNCT aims to engage the community, stimulate critical thinking, and bring science and education together in public spaces. In Pernambuco, the initiative goes beyond the capital and reaches cities in the interior, such as Garanhon, Itacuruba and Belem do São Francisco, through a program aimed at democratizing access to scientific knowledge.

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