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The corrupt left that markets itself as representing the people

The corrupt left that markets itself as representing the people

The left likes controlled environments, where everything is rehearsed, using a script, preferably using a teleprompter. When the left leaves this scenario for direct contact with the people, things tend to get worse. This was the case with Kamala Harris. In a desperate attempt to boost Trump’s rise in the betting markets, the Democratic campaign agreed to be interviewed on the subject Fox NewsWith Bret Baier. The result was as expected: terrible for the leftist candidate.

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the condition It was called an “exchange of barbs,” but it wasn’t. The anchor had only to do what his peers in the mainstream media refused to do: a serious interview, with tough questions. Accustomed to favorable editions of CBS Or a pre-recorded “interview” on CNN, Kamala had no way of doing a good job in that context. After all, she is the American Dilma!

Lula accusing someone of lying is pure mockery and sarcasm, and any journalist can expose ten lies that Lula told in the past week alone. As for living at the expense of the state, was Lula a businessman or did he earn millions from his work as a mechanic?

The Democratic narrative is schizophrenic: we need to turn the page, because they are the government! A simple question from Bayer and Kamala got tangled up, as they let out this hysterical laugh and tried to cut it short by saying, “You know what I’m talking about.” Then the interviewer said the obvious: “Actually, I don’t know. What are you talking about?” New nervous laugh…

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In Brazil it’s usually the same: Lula gives speeches to a controlled audience and “interviews” those who refuse to put him up against the wall with the necessary questions. In a recent conversation, Lula said that he feels like “the embodiment of the people in the presidency,” and that he allows ordinary people access to the Planalto Palace like no other president has.

He stated that he is the only president in the country – and among many in the world with whom he speaks – who came from the lower strata of the population. Lula presented himself as a “cause” who “came from the underworld to defend them.”

“I am not Lula, I am the embodiment of the people in the presidency. […] I am the only chief that the paper collectors bring into the palace [do Planalto]He said in an interview with Al-Hayat channel, “Prostitutes enter, the disabled enter, and the guide dog enters with the visually impaired.” Radio Metropolis From El Salvador, where he keeps his schedule throughout the day.

“We cannot elect a liar,” Lula said, adding that Bolsonaro was “incompetent” and had “lived his life at the expense of the state.” The left always fires its little cannon in front of the mirror. Any serious journalist would have wondered why the person who “embodies the people” no longer walks among the people, as the “incompetent” Bolsonaro does.

Lula accusing someone of lying is pure mockery and sarcasm, and any journalist can expose ten lies that Lula told in the past week alone. As for living at the expense of the state, was Lula a businessman or did he earn millions from his work as a mechanic? It’s a lot of nonsense, but the press pretends not to see it, because they love the “metal worker who became president” narrative.

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To close the circle of the left, the corrupt left that promotes itself as representing the people, and betrays the people all the time, we have the coca farmer Evo Morales who is accused of establishing a harem of underage girls in Argentina. Comrade Lolista may end up in prison because of this sordid scandal. But, like Lula, leftist Morales swears he represents the people. Unless people are the ones who made a pact with the devil…

Content edited by: Jocelyn Santos