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Brazilians have until Wednesday to recover money forgotten in banks; Learn how to consult

Brazilians have until Wednesday to recover money forgotten in banks; Learn how to consult

About 42 million individuals and 3.6 million legal entities have until Wednesday (16) to withdraw funds forgotten in the financial system. According to the latest data released by the Central Bank’s System of Receivables (SVR), referring to August, R$8.59 billion has not yet been withdrawn. Of this total, R$6.62 billion refers to amounts not withdrawn by individuals and R$1.97 billion by companies.

Undrawn resources will be transferred on Thursday (17) to the Consolidated Account of the National Treasury, in compliance with the law compensating for the extension of salary relief for 17 economic sectors and 156 municipalities, approved by Congress in September. The amount of R$ 8.56 billion will constitute the amount of R$ 55 billion that will enter the government treasury to pay for the extension of the benefit.

The Social Communications Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic (SECOM) confirmed that the expectations for the consolidation of these resources by the National Treasury were stipulated in legislation more than 70 years ago, through Law No. 2313 of 1954. The text explains that, unlike traditional expropriation, citizens will be able to claim forgotten values.

The Ministry of Finance, SECOM informed, will publish a notification in the Official Gazette of the Federation containing information on the amounts to be received. The collection may be challenged by those entitled to receive it.

How to withdraw

The only site where you can consult is The official website of the receivables value system. When the page opens, the user must click on “Consult Due Amounts”, fill in the fields with data, click on “Consult” and check the forgotten amounts.

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If there is money to receive, the user must click the “Access SVR” button. This second stage requires a silver or gold account on the Gov.br portal. After opening the new page, the SVR will inform you of the time to verify the values ​​and data for the transfer. In most cases, the user can schedule Pix. In other cases, it will be necessary to contact financial institutions through the channels available on the Central Bank website.

On the date notified by the system, the user should access the SVR website again, using the login Gov.br. Only then will it be possible to request a transfer of funds. Anyone who missed their appointment must re-enter the page and request a new return appointment.

The consultation is open to deceased persons and closed companies. The heir, executor, executor or legal representative can be reached. As with neighborhood consultations, the system informs the responsible institution of the value and the scope of the value.

There is also more transparency for those with joint accounts. If one owner requests a refund for a forgotten amount, the other, upon entering the system, will be able to see the information: such as the amount, date and CPF number of the person who made the request.

(Brazil agency)