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New medical bulletin on the health of Vera Viel, wife of Rodrigo Varo

New medical bulletin on the health of Vera Viel, wife of Rodrigo Varo

Vera Viel, wife of Rodrigo Varo, updated fans on her health condition in a medical bulletin issued on Sunday, 13

Introduction and model Vera VielShe is the broadcaster’s wife Rodrigo VaroShe is still lying in a São Paulo hospital after undergoing surgery to remove a malignant tumor from her leg. This Sunday, the 13th, Albert Einstein Hospital reported that she had been moved to the room after her stay in the semi-intensive unit.

“The patient Vera Lucia Viel Faro has been discharged from the intensive care unit and remains hospitalized in an apartment. He presents a good clinical progress, without complications.”They reported.

In the morning, Vera Viel showed that she had already taken her first steps inside the room, proving that she was recovering quickly. “God performs miracles”she said.

Vera Viel in hospital

Vera Viel talks about surgery

Broadcaster’s wife Rodrigo Varo, Vera Viel On Saturday, the twelfth of this month, she celebrates her forty-ninth birthday, and she underwent a successful surgery to remove a rare malignant tumor from her leg. To celebrate the special date, the brunette made sure to share a photo on social media and talk about her faith in her treatment.

Vera appeared in the photo smiling while holding a birthday cake in her hospital room, complete with balloons. In the comment, she commented on her faith and belief that the Holy Spirit accompanied her during the surgery.

“First, I would like to thank you for all the prayers and messages of affection! Today I am 49 years old with the best gift I could have received: the presence of the Holy Spirit! I called on Him while I was anesthetized and experienced an inexplicable sensation throughout the surgery. I experienced the supernatural. God took me to that operating room to receive Him forever!“, she said in the caption.

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