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Do banking services change on the Day of Our Lady of Aparecida? Find out how PIX works on the holidays

Do banking services change on the Day of Our Lady of Aparecida? Find out how PIX works on the holidays

Next Saturday, October 12th Day of Our Lady of Aparecidapatron saint of Brazil. By law, this date is a national holiday, which is why many companies change their operations. with Banking services It’s no different, including PIX.

Do banking services change on the Day of Our Lady of Aparecida? Find out how PIX works on the holidays
Do banking services change on the Day of Our Lady of Aparecida? Find out how to do PIX during the holidays (Photo: Jeane de Oliveira/FDR)

This year specifically, the national holiday of Nossa Senhora Aparecida takes place on Saturday. Because of this, Bank branches are no longer operatingBecause it is only open from Monday to Friday.

Therefore, there are no changes in this case. Another point that will also not be affected is Pay billsBecause when the due date is scheduled for Saturday or Sunday, the payer can pay the amount on the next business day without charging interest.

In other words, citizens who have a bill to pay on Saturday (12) can make the payment until 10 pm on Monday (14) without paying anything extra for it. Compensation varies from bills charged on non-working days.

Limit PIX on national holidays

For those who want to do Payment via PIX during national holidaysIt is worth noting that there are changes in the limits of the amounts that can be transferred.

The limit is set as a form of security, In order to prevent money from being transferred in a fraud, kidnapping or any other case.

Although it is a measure for the benefit of the customer, people should be aware of this so that they do not get caught trying to make a payment that will be blocked due to the limit.

The transfer limit changes only at night, and is the same for both holiday and overnight transactions.

  • PIX made during the day: unlimited;
  • PIX is made between 8pm and 6am: total limit of R$1,000, not per transaction.
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Change PIX limit

Anyone who intends to go on a trip, make a purchase or already has plans to spend more than R$1,000 for one night can change the limit. The bank allows The customer zooms in on the image and selects the amount he wants to spendbut he asks for time to accept this request.

Also as a way to avoid scams, there is at least a period 24 hours for the banking institution to consider the request Increase the nightly PIX limit.

  1. Log in to the bank application.

  2. Access the Pix area in the app;

  3. Click on “My Limits,” “Usage Limits,” or something similar. In some applications, the defined identification area is under the “Configure Pix” or “Settings” option;

  4. Enter the values ​​you want in each field;

  5. Affirming new values;

  6. Generally, applications require the password to complete the modification. ready!

Layla CunhaLayla CunhaLayla Cunha

She graduated in Journalism from Universidade Mogi das Cruzes (UMC) since 2018. She worked in a print newspaper. He has been working on serious investigative stories since 2019, covering the economic world at the national level. Specializes in producing articles on social rights and benefits. Her social networks are: @liilacunhaa, email: [email protected]