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The body of a tourist was found inside a shark – 07/10/2024 – Have you seen it?

The body of a tourist was found inside a shark – 07/10/2024 – Have you seen it?

Sao Paulo

The remains of a tourist were found in the stomach of a shark that was caught in… East Timor. Colleen Monfort, a 68-year-old American woman, disappeared on September 26 during a boat trip in… Indonesia. Police suspect that the body parts found are hers.

According to The Sun newspaper, the woman was on a boat diving trip with six friends around the island of Pulau Riong when the tragedy occurred. She was swept away by strong currents and the guide was unable to return her to the boat. Rescue teams searched for her for eight days before surrendering on October 3 due to dangerous conditions at sea.

Last Sunday (6), a fisherman in East Timor, a neighboring country, found human remains in the stomach of a shark. The fisherman said, according to the newspaper: “The shark was captured, but it was not in normal health. I thought it might have swallowed a piece of plastic or a fishing rod.”

Then the man opened the animal to examine the problem and found the remains of a woman. Local reports said the body parts were wearing diving suits. East Timor authorities are contacting Indonesia to conduct DNA testing.

The director of operations for the Alor Islands in Timor province said: “Based on the diving suit the victim was wearing, it is suspected that she was a submariner. The results of the investigation will be published soon after more complete information is released.” -Not, to the newspaper.

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