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The government has already updated the value of benefits! Check the news

The government has already updated the value of benefits! Check the news

The government has already released the value of Social Security, Labor and Social Security benefits for next year. It is important to know in advance.

The federal government has already outlined amendments to recalculate social and work benefits for 2025, bringing changes that directly affect millions of Brazilians.

In light of the current economic scenario and inflationary expectations, adjusting the minimum wage is one of the main topics for society, especially for those who depend on social programmes.

The new minimum salary definition directly impacts a series of benefits such as PIS/Pasep, Continuous Pay Benefit (BPC), FGTS, among others.

The government has finally released the benefit value for 2025. Check the news! / Credit: @jeanedeoliveirafotografia / pronatecnologia.com.br

What is the expected interest adjustment in 2025?

The calculation of the 2025 minimum wage follows an adjustment model based on cumulative inflation in the previous year and GDP two years earlier.

This formula ensures that the value of the minimum wage follows changes in the cost of living, providing minimal protection for workers and beneficiaries of social programs.

Projections indicate that the minimum wage in 2025 should range between R$1,502 and R$1,509, depending on the final adjustments the government may make based on more recent economic data. Certainty will not arrive until January next year.

This estimate takes into account the need to restore inflation and the goal of providing a real, albeit minimal, gain in the purchasing power of the population.

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How do the changes affect Social Security, Work, and Social Security benefits?

In principle, changes in the value of the minimum wage for 2025 will have a direct impact on a series of social, labor and social security benefits.

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These programs, which are essential for millions of Brazilians, rely on minimum salaries to determine their values ​​and eligibility criteria.

Law and Justice Party/PASIB

Firstly, PIS/Pasep is a benefit directly linked to the minimum wage. For 2025, benefit values ​​change based on the number of months worked in base year 2023. Benefit projections are as follows:

I worked for months Allowance value (R$)
One month 125
Two months 250
3 months 375
4 months 500
5 months 625
6 months 750
7 months 875
8 months 1000
9 months 1,125
10 months 1,250
11 months 1,375
12 months 1,502

The payments follow the logic of previous years, starting in February 2025 and ending in August of the same year.

Caixa Econômica Federal makes deposits for private sector employees, while Banco do Brasil makes deposits for public sector employees.

Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC)

Subsequently, the BPC scheme, which targets the elderly and people with disabilities who are unable to support themselves, will also undergo adjustments based on the new value of the minimum wage. If the minimum reaches R$1,509, beneficiaries will receive this amount monthly.

Furthermore, the per capita household income criterion for granting the benefit will change from R$355.00 (a quarter of the current minimum wage) to approximately R$377.25.

It is worth noting that there are currently ongoing discussions within the government about the possibility of adjusting the lira’s exchange rate for inflation only, without guaranteeing a real gain. In other words, if this happens, the BPC value may be lower than these expectations.

FGTS and other payments

Finally, the Fund for Guarantee of Term of Service (FGTS) will also be readjusted based on the new minimum wage.

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Deposits made by employers, equivalent to 8% of a worker’s salary, will have a higher value, benefiting employees over time with higher balances.

In addition, benefits such as unemployment insurance, retirement benefits and pensions paid by the National Social Security Institute are also included in the recalculation based on the new minimum salaries.

This ensures that the unemployed or retired receive an updated amount in line with the new economic reality.

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The Federal Government announces a spending review in 2025

The federal government presented a spending review plan, expecting to save R$25.9 billion in the 2025 budget.

Under the slogan “Review to reprioritize”, the aim is to improve the efficiency of public spending, ensure greater quality in social policies and achieve financial goals.

This measure does not aim to reduce rights or benefits, but rather to correct distortions, as exemplified by the Bolsa Familia programme, where 3.3 million undeserving beneficiaries were removed, freeing up space for 2.9 million new families.

Transparency is a key point in this process, as the government details procedures before sending the 2025 annual budget bill to Congress.

The spending review, which began in 2023, is still ongoing and includes efforts from all government agencies. The focus is on achieving a balance between economic growth, financial and social responsibility, and ensuring the sustainability of public policies.