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In an event with Lula, Boric criticizes the left for ignoring dictatorships

In an event with Lula, Boric criticizes the left for ignoring dictatorships

Speech by the President of Chile at a pro-democracy event promoted by Brazil in New York

Chilean President Gabriel Boric (Front Amplio, left), criticize This Tuesday (September 24, 2024) saw the omissions of the progressive wing regarding the dictatorships of leftist leaders in Latin America. According to him, It is essential for countries that consider themselves progressive to defend clear principles and adopt a unified position in defence of democracy.

who [criticar ditaduras de esquerda] I think we sometimes fail because we don’t use the same procedure to criticize those who are on our side. This has happened many times in Latin America, and it has hurt us a lot. We have already talked a lot with President Lula about this. How has the “Venezuelanization” of our domestic policies caused serious damage to the left?The Chilean President announced.

This came during the event “In Defense of Democracy: Combating Extremism” organized by the President of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT), and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez (PSOE, center left), in New York.

The meeting was intended to discuss the rise of the far-right on social media and the electoral viability of leaders of this political spectrum around the world. But Lula did not intend to address the issue of Venezuela or Russia, which most in the West consider dictatorships.

The ceremony was also attended by:

  • Emmanuel Macron, President of France;
  • Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada;
  • José Maria Neves, President of Cape Verde;
  • Charles Michel, President of the European Council;
  • Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados;
  • Xanana Gusmao, Prime Minister of East Timor.
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In addition to the heads of state, representatives from Norway, Colombia, Kenya, Mexico, the United States, Senegal and the United Nations also attended.

Speeches by key leaders in attendance

  • Pedro Sanchez: He started his speech by talking about defense. “systematic reactionary attacks” What “Threatens all democracies”and classifying inequality and the spread of hate speech as “Great Paradoxes” The current generation. He concluded by referring to the movements. “Right-wing extremists” and yours “Risks” For democracies, and to encourage other meetings on the same topic in response. “reactionary wave” all over the world;
  • Justin Trudeau: He stressed the need to combat political extremism and tyranny, which he said is considered… “poisoning” societies. To this end, it proposed combating social inequality and advocated reforming international institutions. It also supported effective media oversight to combat disinformation and hate speech;
  • Emmanuel Macron: He highlighted the Brazilian presidency of the G20 as a space to support democracies and combat anti-democratic political extremism. He stressed the importance of rights, especially women’s rights, who, he said, are the most affected by human rights violations. He also advocated for regulating digital media to create “Digital Democratic System”To avoid the collapse of the current system;
  • US: His representative, US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, said that democracy is at a historic turning point, thanking Brazil and Spain for promoting dialogue between countries to promote democracy in the world. He classified the Russian invasion of Ukraine as corruption and human rights violations. “misuse” Technology and political extremism as challenges to global democracies.
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