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Understand how to make a PIS/PASEP 2024 withdrawal of up to R,412!

Understand how to make a PIS/PASEP 2024 withdrawal of up to R$1,412!

PIS/PASEP 2024 is a benefit for private sector workers and public sector employees, respectively. Since many are still unsure about the eligibility and withdrawal procedures, this guide has been created to provide all the necessary information.

Unlocking the amount you are entitled to is simple, but it requires a basic understanding of the criteria and steps to follow. Follow up and make sure you do not lose your interest.

How is the PIS/PASEP 2024 withdrawal calculated?

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The PIS/PASEP withdrawal amount is calculated proportionally to the number of months worked in the base year in question. The calculation is made by dividing the current minimum wage by 12 and multiplying it by the number of months worked. Only those who have worked throughout the base year can withdraw the full amount.

Therefore, the amount you will receive may vary between 118 Brazilian Real and 1,412 Brazilian Realaccording to the length of service. This system aims to ensure fairness and proportionality in the bonus.

What is the value of the salary bonus in 2024?

The value of the salary bonus varies depending on the number of months of work in 2022. See the table to assess the amount you can receive:

  • One month of work: 117.67 Brazilian Real
  • I worked for two months: 235.33 Brazilian Real
  • 3 months of work: 353.00 Brazilian Real
  • 4 months of work: 470.65 Brazilian Real
  • 5 months of work: 588.32 Brazilian Real
  • 6 months of work: 706.00 Brazilian Real
  • 7 months of work: 823.66 Brazilian Real
  • 8 months of work: 941.33 Brazilian Real
  • 9 months of work: 1,059.00 Brazilian Real
  • 10 months of work: 1,176.68 Brazilian Real
  • 11 months of work: 1,294.34 Brazilian Real
  • 12 months of work: 1,412.00 Brazilian Real
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Who is eligible for the PIS/PASEP 2024 draw?

To be eligible to withdraw PIS/PASEP 2024, the worker must meet the following requirements:

  • Be registered with PIS/PASEP for at least five years;
  • You must have worked under a formal contract for at least 30 days in the base year;
  • To have earned an average of up to two minimum wages per month;
  • Get up-to-date data in the Annual Report of Social Information (RAIS).

How to consult the right to withdraw from PIS/PASEP 2024?

To find out if you are eligible for a salary increase, follow these steps:

  1. Install and update the app cashier On your mobile device;
  2. Log in with your CPF and gov.br portal password;
  3. Go to the “Benefits” section and then “Salary Allowance”. The screen will show whether you are eligible for the benefit or not.

Private sector workers can also consult via the app. square hasPIS payment is managed by Caixa Econômica Federal and can be made in the following ways:

  • Automatic credit to your Caixa current or savings account;
  • and digital social savings, accessible through the Caixa Tem app;
  • Withdrawal using the social card and password at self-service terminals, lottery outlets and Caixa Aqui correspondents;
  • Personal service at any Caixa branch, upon presentation of an identity document.

Ways to get Pasep

The Pasep program targets public employees and is paid by Banco do Brasil, which offers the following payment options:

  • Direct credit to bank account.
  • Transfer via TED or PIX;
  • Personal service at Banco do Brasil branches.

It is essential to keep your details up to date to ensure your benefits are paid without any setbacks. Check your information regularly and amend it if necessary through the appropriate channels.

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With this information, we hope the PIS/PASEP 2024 draw process will become clearer and more accessible to all eligible workers.