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TCU and PIS 2025 Presentation: Brazilians who worked in 2023 celebrate

the Salary bonus Law and Justice Party/PASIP It is an important benefit for Brazilian workers, as it guarantees additional financial support in times of need. By 2024, it is expected that 1.9 billion Brazilian reals will be distributed through this program.This means that many families will be able to count on extra assistance throughout the year.

Understanding the eligibility criteria and benefit withdrawal procedures is essential to ensure that rights are exercised properly. Below we will explain in detail who is eligible for Salary bonus and how to withdraw it.

Eligibility Criteria for PIS/Pasep 2024

To qualify for the salary bonus in 2024, employees must meet the following requirements:

  • Registered with PIS/Pasep for at least five years;
  • Worked on a formal contract for at least 30 days in 2022;
  • Get up to two months’ average minimum wage during 2022.

PIS 2024 Payment Process

The salary bonus payments will start from May 15, 2024. To ensure not to miss the deadline, it is essential to follow the payment schedule. Those who are Caixa Econômica Federal account holders will have the benefit credited directly to their accounts. For others, withdrawals can be made at Caixa branches or via the Caixa Tem app.

PIS/PASEP 2024 Payment Calendar

  • January: From February 15, 2024
  • February: From March 15, 2024
  • March and April: From April 15, 2024
  • May and June: From May 15, 2024
  • July: From June 17, 2024
  • August: From June 17, 2024
  • September: From July 15, 2024
  • October: From July 15, 2024
  • November: From August 15, 2024
  • December: From August 15, 2024
PIS Calendar: Withdrawal for those who worked in 2022
PIS Calendar – Image: Caixa / Disclosure

Review by TCU: What changes?

The Federal Government, under the direction of the President Luiz Inacio Lula da SilvaHe asked Federal Court of Audit (TCU) To review the decision regarding the advance payment of the PIS/Pasep salary bonus. Previously, payments were made two years after the worker acquired the right; however, the TCU decided that payments will be made one year after the right was acquired.

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This change has a significant financial impact estimated at 30 billion Brazilian reals by 2025This amount may conflict with the resources allocated to public investments and Federal Administration Workflowposing a new economic challenge to the government.

How to withdraw PIS/Pasep salary bonus

Learn about the available methods for implementation. Withdraw salary bonus:

  1. Caixa ATMs and Branches: Use your citizen card with your identity document.
  2. CAIXA lottery houses and service points are here: Submit the necessary documents to make the withdrawal.
  3. Caixa Team app: Check your balance and follow the instructions to withdraw directly through the app.

Basic tips for PIS/Pasep beneficiaries

Remember to plan ahead and pay attention to the dates and requirements for withdrawing your salary bonus. This benefit can be a significant addition to your family budget, providing a financial boost in 2024.

The distribution of the PIS/Pasep system reflects the Brazilian economy and reinforces the need for policies that not only guarantee access to these resources, but also ensure the continuous strengthening of the country’s social and economic development. So, stay informed and make the most of the benefits you are entitled to.