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Maduro forces Gonzalez to testify on Monday to reveal public records

Maduro forces Gonzalez to testify on Monday to reveal public records

The opponent will appear before the Public Prosecution; he will be investigated on charges of forging documents extracted from the ballot boxes themselves.

Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo González (PDU, center-left) is expected to testify on Monday (August 26, 2024) at the Venezuelan Ministry of Public Health in Caracas. The politician has been invited to explain the publication of electoral records used by the opposition to declare its victory in the July 28 elections.

However, the documents, similar to the ballot box in Brazilian elections, are public and available to all party representatives present at voting sites.

For the public ministry, led by allies of Nicolás Maduro (the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, left), the 74-year-old diplomat will need to testify as part of a criminal investigation that could lead to charges of crimes. “Usurpation of functions, falsification of public documents, incitement to disobey laws, computer crimes, criminal association and conspiracy”.

President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva On Saturday (August 24), PT issued a joint memorandum with the Colombian government demanding greater transparency in the Venezuelan elections. The text said that the governments of the two countries took note of the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela not to publish the ballots on July 28 and requested the disclosure of the information. Here complete Statement (PDF – 24 KB).

“Both Presidents remain convinced that the credibility of the electoral process can only be restored through the transparent publication of data disaggregated by electoral division and verifiable. The political normalization of Venezuela requires the recognition that there is no lasting alternative to peaceful dialogue and democratic coexistence in diversity.The statement says.

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Brazil and Colombia also note that the Maduro government has pledged to sign the Barbados Agreement: [Os países] They also express their complete opposition to the continued application of unilateral sanctions as a means of pressure. They share the understanding that unilateral sanctions are contrary to international law and harm the populations of the countries subject to sanctions, especially the most vulnerable groups..

The joint statement by Lula and Petro calls on the international community not to impose sanctions on Venezuela. However, it completely ignores the sanctions and threats that the Maduro government is imposing on the opposition, such as the summons of Edmundo González to testify on Monday (August 26).

The opposition’s call comes amid a crackdown on post-election protests, with reports of 27 people killed, 192 injured and 2,400 arrested. The opposition, led by Maria Corina Machado, claims the report points to a broad victory for Gonzalez over Maduro.

International observers United Nations The United Nations and the Carter Center have backed opposition claims that the result published by the National Electoral Council, which is directly linked to the Venezuelan government, is not credible.