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Dilma is responsible for half of the loophole in the Correos Fund.

Dilma is responsible for half of the loophole in the Correos Fund.

Most of the total loss of Correos’ pension fund, Postales, was due to operations carried out between 2011 and 2016, during the government of Dilma Rousseff. This is what the newspaper says: State of Sao Pauloin your Editorial This Thursday 22nd.

The state-owned company’s management signed a debt recognition agreement with the fund, agreeing to pay 7.6 billion reais, half of its accumulated 15 billion reais. Of that figure, 9.1 billion reais would have been the result of spending by the Workers’ Party government, according to the newspaper.

“It is not necessary to emphasize the enormous amount of resources wasted due to negligence, in poorly managed companies and in fraud at Postalis,” he said. conditionThe loss is greater than the total assets of 225 of the 236 group members. Brazilian Association of Closed Supplementary Pension Entities (Abrapp).

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The post stated that “retirees and pensioners, without blame for the violations, will bear the other half of the loss, with deductions exceeding a third of the value of the benefits.”

But they will not be alone in their plight. Retirees and pensioners from Petrobras (Petrobras employees) and Funcef (Caixa employees) also received benefit cuts to compensate for losses at a time when the capital of their pension funds was used for the primary purpose of serving the interests of the Lula Presidency and its allied parties.

For example, the post office was a closed area for the then Brazilian Workers’ Party (PTB) and the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB). According to the vehicle, the violations at Postalis made the situation so critical that new participant registrations were suspended.

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More than half of the Privi and Correos collapses occurred under Dilma Rousseff's government | Photo: Ricardo Stockert/PR
Half of the collapse of Prive, Correos, occurred during the government of Dilma Rousseff | Photo: Ricardo Stockert/PR

Of the large entities sponsored by state-owned companies, only Privi, from Banco do Brasil, has entered the circle of decline. But it has participated, like the others, in Lulopetista projects.

Previ, Postalis, Funcef and Petros, for example, entered as partners in Sete Brasil, created by the Workers’ Party government as an intermediary for pre-salt equipment orders, but only made a loss of $1 billion.

“Under Dilma Rousseff’s government, Postalis sold Brazilian public debt and bought bonds from Venezuela and Argentina in 2014, a business that any novice knows is a big deal,” the bank says. condition.

Read also: “Oeste Sem Filtro: “Correos assumes the billionaire gap left by Dilma Rousseff”

The post office box was interfered with during the Temer government.

The intervention in the Postalis case came in late 2017, under the government of Michel Temer, after regulators in Brazil and the United States concluded that there had been mismanagement and fraud.

According to the newspaper, the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), which has already imposed several fines on fund managers, is still investigating the irregularities today. Two months ago, it resumed the trial into an alleged fraud in investment funds managed by Postalis and imposed a fine on the accused of more than R$21 million.

The intervention continued until December 2019, under Jair Bolsonaro (PL), with Breivik, who oversees pension funds, replaced by a general. Under Lula, a trade unionist took over the post. “As you can see, neither of them was really interested in correcting the course,” he says. condition.

Read also: “Post Office transfers R$7.6 billion to Postalis pension fund”

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On the other hand, Bolsonaro’s Economy Minister, Paulo Guedes, has included Correos on the list of state-owned companies eligible for privatization.

The text states that “the project to authorize the operation was referred by the executive branch to Congress, but the cancellation of privatization was one of the first actions taken by Lula da Silva upon assuming his third term.”

“The state-owned company is currently running a deficit, and during previous Workers’ Party administrations, postal rates were frozen, a practice that was relatively common during the Dilma administration, which contained fuel and electricity prices, creating inflationary bombshells with a delayed effect that the effects have not yet stopped,” the newspaper concluded.

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