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PIS/Pasep 2024 Salary Allowance; Who is entitled?

PIS/Pasep 2024 Salary Allowance; Who is entitled?

The last installment of the PIS/Pasep salary bonus for 2024 will be released on Thursday, August 15. Designed to serve private sector workers and public sector employees, the benefit, known to many Brazilians, can range from R$118 to R$1,412, depending on length of service in 2022.

This year’s salary bonus distribution will focus on those born in November and December. The total number of beneficiaries in 2024 will be 24,874,071 professionals. Of these, 21,982,722 are employees of private companies, who will be paid by Caixa Econômica Federal, while the remaining 2,891,349 are public employees, who will be served by Banco do Brasil.

Who is entitled to a salary bonus?

Reproduction: Internet

In order for a worker to be eligible for a salary bonus, the worker must meet several conditions. See the main criteria below:

  • Be registered in the PIS/Pasep or CNIS (first employment date) program for at least five years;
  • I worked for employers that contribute to the Social Integration Programme (PIS) or the Public Employees’ Assets Training Programme (Pasep);
  • Get up to two average minimum wages of monthly wages in the working period in 2022;
  • To have performed paid work for at least 30 days, consecutive or not, in the reference year (2022);
  • The data must be reported correctly by the employer in the annual Social Information List (Rais) or in eSocial for the base year in question (2022).

Salary allowance calendar

  1. People born in January: Receipt from 02/15/2024
  2. People born in February: Receipt from 03/15/2024
  3. People born in March and April: Receipt from 04/15/2024
  4. May and June births: Receipt from 05/15/2024
  5. July and August births: Receipt from 06/17/2024
  6. September and October births: Receipt from 07/15/2024
  7. November and December births: Receipt from 08/15/2024
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What is the value of the benefit in 2024?

The value of the salary bonus is directly linked to the minimum wage in force in the year of payment. In 2024, the national minimum will be R$ 1,412. Therefore, the benefit per worker can vary from R$ 118 to R$ 1,412, depending on the number of months worked in 2022.

To calculate the amount to be received, the worker must multiply 1/12 of the current minimum wage by the number of months worked in 2022. For example, anyone who worked throughout 2022 will receive the maximum amount of the benefit.

How to withdraw benefit?

The method of withdrawing the salary bonus also varies. There are several options available to make it easier for workers to receive the benefit. Check out the alternatives:

  1. Credit to a Caixa account, when the worker has a current account, savings account or digital account at the bank;
  2. Credit through Caixa Tem, in a digital social savings account, automatically opened by Caixa;
  3. At ATMs and Lotéricas and Caixa Aqui correspondents, using your social card and password;
  4. Directly at Caixa branches, with presentation of an official identity document.

The salary bonus will be available for withdrawal until December 27, 2024. Information about the receiving bank, date and amounts, including from previous years, can be found in the Digital Labor Card application and on the Gov.br portal.

Who is not entitled to a salary bonus?

It is important to note that not all workers are entitled to the salary bonus. Individual employees, such as domestic workers, are not included in this benefit. The general rule only includes those with official contracts and public employees who receive an average salary of up to the minimum wage during the reference year.

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Why is there a two-year gap in the PIS/Pasep calendar?

The two-year gap in the PIS/Pasep payment calendar occurred due to the delay caused by the pandemic. Previously, the gap between the payment period and the reporting year was one year. This delay temporarily impacted the benefit release schedule, resulting in an adjustment that now takes into account a longer time period to collect the necessary data.

In this way, workers who meet the above requirements and who worked in 2022 will be able to receive the salary bonus this year, ensuring additional financial support.

Be sure to check the calendar that has been released and check if you are eligible for the benefit. This is an important aid for many Brazilians, especially in times of economic uncertainty.