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1,229 people have already been arbitrarily arrested.

1,229 people have already been arbitrarily arrested.

People protest in Caracas, Venezuela| Photo: EFE/Henry Chirinus

The Foro Penal organization updated its statistics this Thursday (8) and revealed that the number of people arrested due to the ongoing political repression in Venezuela has risen to 1,229.

The repression and arbitrary arrests began shortly after a series of popular protests against the election results announced by the Chavista-controlled National Electoral Council, which declared Nicolás Maduro the winner of the July 28 presidential election.

According to the Criminal Forum, Caracas topped the list of arbitrarily detained individuals, with 225 people arrested, followed by Carabobo, with 197. Anzoategui, another state heavily affected by the repression, had 114 detainees.

The situation in Venezuela was very sensitive, as Chavismo had already arrested several political leaders, including Maria Oropeza and Carlos Chancellor, the father of a recent Venezuelan national team player.

Of the total number of detainees, 157 were women, 105 were teenagers, 16 were disabled, and 5 were indigenous. Most of the arrests occurred in popular and low-income areas, where repression was most intense, and were often carried out by groups linked to the regime, such as the so-called “coletivos” and the “Carabobo Battle Units,” described by the regime as part of the “People’s Intelligence” system.

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