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Understand what Meta says about collecting user information to train AI and learn step-by-step how to deactivate |  technology

Understand what Meta says about collecting user information to train AI and learn step-by-step how to deactivate | technology

Meta shares face a terrible moment on the New York Stock Exchange – Image: Reuters

Meta, Mark Zuckerberg’s company that controls the social networks Instagram and Facebook, as well as the instant messaging app WhatsApp, has updated its terms of use to improve and train its artificial intelligence (AI) service through open user posts. The change occurred on June 16.

🤔 What does Meta say about gathering information? In the Meta Privacy Center, which can be accessed on Instagram, the company says the following:

  • Uses publicly available information online;
  • The shared information is used in the company’s products and services.

🤔Does this include user-posted content? According to Meta, this information may include posts or images and captions.

Is there anything unused? According to the company, the content of private messages is not used with friends and family.

📑 Is it possible to object? Also in the Privacy Center, Meta says users have “rights regarding how your information is used by AI on Meta,” which includes the right to object to the use of shared information.

  • In the photo feed, click the three lines at the top right field.
  • Next, you, the user, will be taken to the Settings and Activities page.
  • Then go to the end of the page and click “About”;
  • Then choose “Privacy Policy”.
  • Click on the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner;
  • In the options menu, click “Policies & Other Articles” and immediately click “How Meta Uses Information for Generative AI Features and Models”;
  • A new page will then open called “Situation regarding the use of your information by Meta AI”;
  • Then scroll to the end of the page and click on “Right to Object” (written and highlighted in blue in the middle of the text).
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there… It’s time to fill out a form, according to the document, to exercise your right “not to want your shared information used in our products and services to develop and improve Meta’s AI” (Click To see printables with instructions).

⏳Is removal immediate? According to Meta, no. The text states that objection requests will be analyzed in accordance with relevant data protection laws. “If your request is fulfilled, it will apply from the moment it is accepted,” the text says.

Meta says it may “process information about you to develop and improve Meta’s AI, even if you object to or do not use our products and services.”

For example, the company says this can happen if a user or their information:

  • They appear in an image shared on products or services by someone using them.
  • They are mentioned in posts or captions that someone else shares on products and services.

Required by g1Meta sent the following note:

“We are committed to developing Meta AI – our collection of generative AI resources and expertise along with the models that support it – in a safe, responsible manner and in compliance with Brazilian privacy regulations.”

“Our goal is to build the best AI service in the world in terms of quality and ease of use,” Zuckerberg said. “I am happy to announce that we will be launching Meta AI in Portuguese next month, along with several other new languages.”

Zuckerberg says Brazil sends 4 times more audio recordings via WhatsApp than other countries

🌍 What is it like elsewhere in the world?

Meta intends to do the same in other countries, including those that are part of the European Union, which should happen from June 26 and is already the target of complaints.

According to the APF news agency, Meta’s efforts on the continent are being hampered by stricter data privacy laws. The Vienna-based group NOYB, led by activist Max Schrems, has complained to 11 national privacy watchdogs about Meta’s AI training plans and urged them to stop the company before it begins training its next-generation Llama AI, the technology used by “Meta’s AI.” It is a kind of “brain” of the assistant.

Step by step to prevent Meta from using data to train AI 1 – Image: Cloning

Step by step to prevent Meta from using data to train AI 2 – Image: Reproduction

Step by step to prevent Meta from using data to train AI 3 – Image: Cloning

Step by step to prevent Meta from using data to train AI 4 — Image: Cloning

Step by step to prevent Meta from using data to train AI 5 – Image: Cloning

Step by step to prevent Meta from using data to train AI 7 – Image: Cloning

Step by step to prevent Meta from using data to train AI 8 – Image: Cloning