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Everton Ribeiro meets Flamengo fans again, who will raise flags bearing the image of their idol |  Flamingo

Everton Ribeiro meets Flamengo fans again, who will raise flags bearing the image of their idol | Flamingo

idol Flamingo, Everton Ribeiro, now in Bahia, will face Rubro Negro once again as his rival. The last time was 10 years ago, on June 1, 2014, when Cruzeiro won 3-0 in the Brazilian championship, and Everton had no idea that one day he would wear red and black. The reunion will be a contender, but it will receive rave reviews from the fans.

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Fans of Villa Manguasa, Oroposada and Nassau 12 will raise three flags in the northern sector of the stadium. There will be references to the number 7, the captain’s armband and the 11 titles the team has won Flamingo: Two Libertadores, two Brazilians, one Brazilian Cup, one South American Cup, two Brazilian Super Cups and three Carioca.

Everton’s wife, Marilia Neri, and sons Augusto and Antonio, known as Pepe Goto and Totoi, will be at the Maracanã.

Honored by Flamengo, Everton Ribeiro poses with the trophies he won – Photo: Paula Reis / CRF

Hey Flamingo He will not perform any kind of tribute during the match. This is not a matter of rift in the relationship, but respect for a match worth three points in which Everton will play Ribeiro as an opponent.

Hey Flamingo He paid tribute to the idol on January 6, 2024, when Everton, Marilia, Totoi and Goto went to Ninho do Ourobo to take a photo and record an interview in which several former blacks sent videos.

One of the three leaders of the generation that achieved almost everything between 2019 and 2022, Everton Ribeiro has defended… Flamingo In 394 matches, he scored 46 goals.

The tribute presented by Flamengo to Everton Ribeiro – Photo: Paula Reis / CRF

Watch: All about Flamingo On GE, on Globo and on Sportif