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The rare planetary alignment can be seen in the early hours of Monday 3

The rare planetary alignment can be seen in the early hours of Monday 3

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In the early hours of the third Monday, which is rare Alignment between the six planets It can be seen in the Brazilian sky. Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be visible with the naked eye, while Uranus and Neptune will require the use of instruments such as telescopes and binoculars for observation.

Ideal places for viewing are those with low light pollution, clear skies, and no buildings obstructing the view of the horizon, such as beaches and rural areas. Already early in the evening of the second Sunday, it glowed Saturn He will appear in the sky, and then, gradually throughout the dawn, Neptune, Mars, Uranus, Jupiter and Neptune. The best viewing time is before 5am.

How does this affect humans?

Does not affect. Although it is considered an important event in astrology, this phenomenon Nothing interferes with life On Earth, according to science. It is also important to remember that this alignment is only one Optical sight – From an terrestrial perspective, the stars appear to be lined up in the sky, but they are actually physically aligned in space.

Although the main day of observation is Monday, the clear alignment can be observed for a few days now and this perception should continue over the next few days. Since 2022, this event has occurred every year, in June, but there are a few times when the six planets in this configuration can be seen at the same time, also known as Parade of planets.

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What is the position of the planets in the sky?

  • Saturn: Constellation Aquarius
  • Neptune: Constellation Pisces
  • Mars: Constellation Pisces
  • Uranus: Constellation Taurus
  • Jupiter: Taurus, close to the horizon
  • MercuryTaurus constellation close to the sun

Mobile applications such as Sky Tonight, Stellarium, and A celestial chart can help people who are less experienced in astronomical observations find planets in the sky.