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Science reveals the secret of remaining 5 more years of life;  paying off

Science reveals the secret of remaining 5 more years of life; paying off

Living longer and better is a common desire, and science has shown that this is possible with… Adopt healthy habitsRegardless of genetic factors.

Recent studies show that even people with a genetic predisposition to a shorter lifespan can extend their lives by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

The study and its results

Published in the academic journal BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, the study was conducted by researchers from Zhejiang University in China and the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, and followed more than 350,000 people over 13 years.

The research focused on the relationship between genetics, lifestyle and longevity, and provided valuable insights into how healthy behaviors can mitigate genetic risk.

Dr. Alaeddin Shadyab, associate professor of public health at the University of California (San Diego), said in an interview with CNN that the research is very strong and comes up with great conclusions for improving health. Quality and life expectancy.

Participants were assessed on the polygenic score, which measures the presence of multiple genes associated with life expectancy.

Meanwhile, they were rated according to their commitment to a healthy lifestyle, which includes not smoking, engaging in regular physical activity, getting enough sleep and maintaining a balanced diet.

Key factors for a longer life

Research has identified four critical factors that can add up to five years to a person’s life when combined.

1. No smoking: Smoking is directly linked to many chronic diseases, including cancer and heart disease.

2. Regular physical activity: Science recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week.

Regular physical activity is one of the four most important factors for longevity. Image: reproduction

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3. Adequate sleep: Sleeping seven to eight hours per night is extremely important to replenish the body and maintain mental health;

4. Healthy diet: One food Rich in natural foods and lean proteins is associated with longevity.

Impact on life expectancy

The study revealed that people with high genetic risks live short lives, but they follow a… Healthy lifestylecan reduce this risk by up to 62%.

These individuals can live approximately 5.5 years longer compared to those with unhealthy lifestyles.

Furthermore, those with unhealthy lifestyles are 78% more likely to die prematurely, regardless of genetic risk.

Therefore, although genetics play an important role in determining longevity, lifestyle habits are powerful modifiers of this fate.

How to implement lifestyle changes?

Adopting a healthy lifestyle may seem difficult, but small changes can make a big difference. Here are some practical tips:

If you smoke, stop smoking!

Use resources such as helplines, apps and support groups to help fight smoking addiction.

Don’t exercise? Move!

Find activities you enjoy and incorporate them into your daily routine. Start slow and gradually increase the intensity.

You can walk, do yoga, Pilates, dance classes, bodybuilding or even martial arts; Ultimately, the possibilities for moving your body are endless.

Regular exercise strengthens the cardiovascular system, Improves mental health It reduces the risk of many diseases.

Disorganized sleep, no time to sleep? Set it!

Create a sleep routine, keep your room dark and cool, and avoid electronic devices before bed.

Adopting Rule 3, 2, 1:

  • 3 hours before bed, eat your last meal;
  • Stop working or studying two hours before;
  • One hour ago, step away from all screens. They emit blue light, which inhibits the production of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone.
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Inadequate and unregulated sleep can lead to problems such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Eat well!

Adopting a diet based on Mediterranean dietRich in fresh and natural foods. Reduce your consumption of sugar and processed foods.

Choose light preparations rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, with good sources of fat, such as olive oil and nuts, as well as lean proteins, such as those found in fish and yoghurt.

Unpack less, peel more!

Choose a diet rich in fiber and lean protein. Image: reproduction

The research is clear: a healthy lifestyle not only improves quality of life, it can significantly extend it.

Regardless of genetics, conscious, healthy daily choices are essential to living longer and better. Invest in healthy habits today to reap the benefits of a longer, fuller life in the future.

*With information from CNN, The Guardian and Metropolis.