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A man was arrested in the USA after he was shown driving in an online license suspension trial;  Video |  world

A man was arrested in the USA after he was shown driving in an online license suspension trial; Video | world

A driver with a suspended license appears at an online driving hearing and is arrested in the USA

An American driver with a suspended driver’s license showed up for a virtual detention hearing while driving and was caught red-handed. in Lightning trial On May 15, the man’s probation was revoked and he was ordered to surrender to court in Washtenaw County, Michigan.

Corey Harris’ driver’s license has been suspended since October 2023, according to what was reported by the American channel “WXYZ Detroit”, affiliated with the “ABC” network.

Once the defendant joined the virtual call, it could be seen that he was in the car, holding his cell phone in one hand and driving.

“Mr. Harris, are you driving?” Judge Cedric Simpson asked. “I’m parking my car now,” Corey replied.

Harris’ trial lasted only two minutes. As soon as the judge noticed the defendant’s position, he dropped the pen in his hand and laughed briefly. Simpson revoked the defendant’s parole and ordered the man’s arrest for violating a Michigan law prohibiting cell phone use while driving.

“Maybe I’m not understanding something,” the judge said. “Is this a driver’s license suspension?” After confirmation, the lawyer says: “He was just driving the car and did not have a licence. He was suspended and was driving. I don’t know why he does that.

A driver with a suspended license appears at an online driving hearing and is arrested on May 15, 2024 in Michigan, United States. -Photo: Reproduction/Washtenaw County Courthouse