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The Government of Ceará invites another 295 people approved in the health competition

The Government of Ceará invites another 295 people approved in the health competition

May 29, 2024 – 2:36 pm
#Direct #call to healthcare professionals

Communications Office of the Civil House
text: Isabella Campos – Ascom Casa Civil
the pictures: Carlos Gibaga – Civic House

The names will be published in the Ministry of Energy on Wednesday (29)

During another edition of your Weekly chat With the people of Ceará Governor Elmano de Freitas Announce Calling 295 new health professionals To integrate the public network into Ceara. Hey Government of CearáDuring the past year, he called, in total, Two thousand candidates Space: 600 in May, 600 in September, and 800 in December. The invitation and appointment will be published in the Official Gazette (DOE) on Wednesday (29).

Governor Elmano de Freitas stressed the importance of the call New healthcare professionals In order to better serve the residents of Ceará as well as commitment to public health in the state. “We invite these professionals to Strengthen Unified Health System (SUS), This is very important for our people. Because more than 80% of Ceará’s population needs Public health service. “For good public service, the public servant must be appreciated, and that is what we do, we call these public servants.”

There are 21 vacancies for doctors, 10 vacancies for the administrative area, and 264 vacancies for the care area which includes nurses, physical therapists, pharmacists and nursing technicians. Professionals will be assigned to the central level Ceara Health Department and network units, such as Hospital Geral de Fortaleza (HGF), Hospital Mesigana Dr. Carlos Alberto Stoddart Gomez (HM), Hospital Infantil Albert Sabin (HIAS), Hospital Geral Dr. César Calles (HGCC), among others.

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“I want to inform those approved in the health competition that we have established a schedule that has been approved by the association [Legislativa do Ceará]This is through the law that we sent, and we seek sincere adherence to what is stated in the law. Today, the names will be published in the Official Gazette of the State. You, who have been summoned, anticipate the delivery of documents, so that in a few days you can assume your position,” the governor reinforced.

Ciara’s pride

In the midst of the chat, the Head of the Executive Authority of Ceará informed that he received on Wednesday morning (29) the firefighters from Ceará who participated in the rescue operations in Rio Grande do Sul and described a feeling of “pride” for the services provided.

“It was a pleasure and a privilege to receive our team from the Ceará Military Fire Department who were in Rio Grande do Sul, in an act of solidarity representing the people of Ceará, and it was very moving. There were 13 firefighters, 12 men and one woman, who gave emotional reports.” “It describes the situation that the people of Rio Grande do Sul are experiencing, and the difficulties they have faced in the past. Therefore, I want to reinforce my pride and say that I am sure that these professionals are also a source of pride for the people of Ceará.”

What also made Governor Elmano de Freitas proud was Ceará’s basic education result. According to a report by the Ministry of Education, Ceará tops the national ranking of children educated at the appropriate age. “Ciara, in 2023, has exceeded the target of 80% of our children being illiterate by the second year of primary school. It is a source of great pride, because this means a promising future for these children and an increasingly higher quality school.

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