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The new president of Petrobras has flagged the conflict with Marina

The new president of Petrobras has flagged the conflict with Marina

Magda Chambrier pointed out that “the Ministry of Environment cannot usurp the power to grant the Presidency of the Republic.” She defended Lula’s “interference”. It seemed categorical: “He is the person who has the authority to determine national priorities, in the name of the people.”

Petrobras appealed Obama’s decision. The appeal is awaiting hearing. In an interview with UOL last month, Marina Silva confirmed that there is no deadline.

“In the dynamics of the licensing process, there is no such thing as going to the technicians and issuing political orders,” the Environment Minister said. “What we have is a sense of priority, and the analysis will be done in the necessary time.”

For Magda Chamberyard, “Necessary Time” is the beat of the drum. She wrote in the article that the country’s “environmental licensing” should be “timely and timely.”

“Either it happens now, or this effect will continue to jeopardize all infrastructure projects that lack federal authorization, significantly increasing the cost to Brazil,” Magda stressed.

The potential for new conflict arises at a time when flooding in Rio Grande do Sul is calling on Lula’s government to turn a rhetorical commitment to prioritize the energy transition into concrete reality. Taking global leadership in producing clean energy sources such as Solar energyBiomass, ethanol and green hydrogen.

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